Wrapping up the first month of 2023!

Wrapping up the first month of 2023!

The holidays have come and gone, and here we are already, wrapping up the first month of 2023! We wanted to take a pause and update you on what we've been up to here at Citibeats with our latest news, events, and more.

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Last November we hosted an event to commemorate the launch of the Ethical AI Community , Citibeats’ new initiative dedicated to the democratization of AI. Experts from various fields came together to discuss important topics such as ethical AI, gender segmentation, responsible technology, the importance of representativity, and much more, making for a truly memorable experience.

Did you miss it??

No worries! Now you can access the full video of the event on our website. If you’re interested in a specific topic, simply select and view any panel you’d like!

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Citibeats attended the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, a unique event that gathers leaders from all around the world, from both the public and private sectors, to debate the most important social topics. We attended last year and were so impressed that we couldn’t wait to go back this year, and we’re so happy that we did!

Our Chief Marketing & Sales Officer, Carolina Portela Duarte , and our Customer Success Leader, Carlos Felipe García Cimadevilla , attended multiple sessions that discussed and explored forward-looking solutions to address our most pressing global challenges.

Some of the issues we tackled included a deep dive into questions like: How can we make supply chains more sustainable? How can we collaborate to give access to the most vulnerable populations? How are we continuing to work on actions to reduce the impact of climate change??

If you want to have a chat with Carolina or Carlos about those topics and their experience, or if you want to learn how Citibeats can help you and your organization to understand social narratives in real time, do not hesitate to contact them!

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We started the year by sharing our Top 5 Interactive Reports from 2022. Last year we created 19 Interactive Reports — you can find our community’s favorites here.

Since our last newsletter, we have created four new interactive reports:

Finally, we held our first Hackathon of 2023! For two days Citibeaters were given the challenge of exploring new potential text data sources. Learn more here and stay tuned to discover how we will implement additional insights from our findings.??

What’s next?

Stay tuned for our 2023 Impact Report!



