Wrapping Up 2024 and Stepping into 2025
Christine Schickinger, Dipl-Kfm
NeuroPositive Leadership Coach & Consultant | Expert in Workplace Dynamics, Stress Management and Work-Life Harmony | Inspiring Sustainable Success through Science-Backed Strategies for Professionals | xGartnerVP
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This week is special. Not only are we?wrapping up 2024 together. Today, I'm also releasing the 50th episode of the Lead Well! podcast. I must admit, at the beginning of the year, I was not really believing I would make it that far. Because, let's be honest, I have started many other things and just stopped after a few iterations. And it’s all because of you. Thank you for tuning in, sharing your feedback and thoughts, and being part of this journey.
Since it’s New Year’s Eve, let’s do a little reflecting and dreaming together. Think back on 2024 for a moment. You know I love questions, so let me ask three questions to you:?
And now—on to 2025. What’s important to you? What are your top three values—the things that truly matter? Once you know those, think about your strengths. What comes so naturally to you that it feels easy? That’s probably a superpower you’re overlooking.
With your values and strengths in mind, set one goal. Something that aligns with who you are and what you care about. Big or small, it doesn’t matter. Then just take one step, and then another.
My goal? To keep showing up for you and hit 100 episodes next year. If you’d like to help, share this podcast with a friend. It’d mean the world to me.
Here’s to a brilliant 2025! You’ve got this.
All the best, Christine
Congratulations Christine - keep them coming!