Wrapify’s Lead Designer Melts Faces
Today, Wrapify’s got two important things to share:
- Wrapify has an on-the-go presence at SXSW in Austin, with ten cars of the road, a few SWARM events, and what we believe is our most eye-catching creative design yet.
- The car designs come courtesy of Wrapify’s gifted Lead Designer Anthony Weaver, who we’ve been meaning to introduce for a few weeks and this feels like the best possible time with SXSW days away.
Anthony’s an industrious and focused guy, always busy, but I managed to snag a half hour of his time over the weekend and engage him in a few questions about himself, his creative process and how and why he thinks the way he does.
I’m always fascinated by the creative process and how people tap into it. When did you realize you were a creative soul?
"I would have to say it dawned on me at a every young age, probably around seven or eight. I just didn’t think or look at things the same way most other kids my age did. I think I always thought that way, but it was around seven or eight that I realized other kids weren’t thinking the same way I was."
Can you give us an example from childhood?
"Music was the first way I found to express myself. I was brought up in a household full of it---The Beatles, Elvis, Moody Blues, Cat Stevens, Heart, Black Sabbath and Bob Dylan were the soundtrack of my youth. My parents had a huge vinyl collection and I would spend hours looking through all the albums and playing them.
I was always fascinated with the drums and wanted to make those sounds! My mom and dad had this old 60's leather couch that I would take all the cushions off and set them up as a drum kit and then beat the living hell out of them. This drove them to buy me my first drum kit so I would stop destroying the furniture!
Around this same time I was drawing in school more than listening to what was being taught. My third grade teacher noticed I was drawing a lot in class and suggested I enter a poster contest at the local firehouse promoting fire prevention awareness. I came in first place and that was it; I was hooked. So we’ve got my third grade teacher to thank."
What inspires and drives your creativity?
"Music. No question. It gets my mind all fired up because it taps into emotion or a place in time, whether present, past or future. I'm also inspired by architectural design, the shapes that make up a landscape and invoke feeling."
Do you have an ultimate creative goal? Is it artistic or professional?
"Always keep learning and growing my craft. I feel the artistic path is a journey to continually educate yourself, broaden your perspectives and acquire new skills to apply to my work. As an artist I never claim to have all the answers---I’m always open to new solutions and ways to solve problems."
What drew you to Wrapify?
"Well, it was you, James! The CEO recruited me to join Wrapify as production artist. Once I saw the company’s vision, it got me excited and I jumped at it. As Wrapify has grown, so has my role and I am now the lead designer and play a more executive role in the company. I really feel like my value has been recognized, and I’m enjoying it."
Can you describe the creative process for designing a car wrap?
"Working with vehicles presents some creative challenges, but it's my job as a designer to solve these issues and represent the client’s brand effectively.
First, I analyze the design space given to effectively present the ad. I build it out as you would a painting, layering from back to front. I start with a background of brand colors, with an added pattern if needed. Then I place supporting imagery in strategic locations. Then I'll add messaging, always remembering that less is more while emphasizing the brand identity."
Do you have a work of art--whether painting, film, book or other medium--you wish everyone would experience?
"Oh wow, there are so many. How about if we just make it something recent? I just saw the film “Nocturnal Animals,” and thought it was brilliant -- it’s a suspense thriller, but there’s so much more to it than that, it’s like a story within a story, and the attention to detail, the writing, the acting, I just thought they nailed it on all levels creatively. You can never go wrong with classic Pink Floyd, either."
How about you? Do you have a passion project that you hope someday to share with the public?
"Yes. I’m currently writing and illustrating a children’s book. It’s about two unlikely "things" that become friends, and how their unlikely connection ends up bringing clarity to making it through life positively while avoiding the things that society tries to make us think we need to be happy. I am also working on an illustrated series of musicians who have influenced me through my creative journey, and expect to make them public in the next couple months."
Thanks, Anthony!
See more at https://newsroom.wrapify.com/2017/03/wrapifys-lead-designer-melts-faces/
Keep up the great work Anthony! Really dig what you are doing. Looking forward to seeing those musician illustrations!