Wrap Up On Facts
Hopefully, we now have an understanding that Sgt Joe Friday’s advice, “Just the facts, ma’am” isn’t necessarily that simple. Here are a few simple rules that can help:
1. Don’t believe any facts unless you also have sufficient information to verify their source.
2. Don’t totally accept or take action on any facts until and unless you can verify them yourself.
3. Don’t accept facts that seem implausible or contradictory.
4. When it comes to making an important decision, verify all the relevant facts, even if they come from someone you trust.
5. Do the research. Find out if your information is accurate and still current.
My deepest hope for each of us is that by reflecting and acting on these “facts about facts”, we’ll have a much easier go of navigating that often “inconceivable” sea of information.
NOTE: This series of articles will be continued, as we probe deeper into topics such as how we gather and observe information, and also about inferences, assumptions, opinions, viewpoints, and fallacies in critical thinking.