WPS Know How To Hamper Your Business!
Here at WPSCC we believe in developing and maintaining good relationships and many of our clients and sub-contractors are still with us after more than a decade.
Lara feels that it’s important to show appreciation to the people we enjoy such a productive association with. Darren Edwards at Llewellyn (Safety Advisors) Europe Ltd has been sending clients our way for several years, so we gave Kirsten, our newest staff member, the lovely job of taking a Christmas hamper of goodies over to their Head Office in Wellingborough.
This was helpful for her because, in spite of having collaborated with us for so long, there are still things we don’t know about them and things they don’t know about us.
When Kirsten arrived, Darren was surprised but delighted to receive our small gesture of thanks, and promptly reciprocated by passing us two brand-new contacts who are in need of our specialist help.
It’s a classic case of casting your bread upon the waters (even though that would probably make it much harder to slice…)
Happy New Year to you all, and here’s to another decade of mutually beneficial co-operation.