WOW What a New Beginning to a New Year !!!
Donnis Hiskett
Health + Wealth = Wealthness Coach. As a Wealth Specialist on Pedro Adao's team, we raise YOUR Financial IQ! As a Nutritionist, I use pHix to reduce inflammation and improve health! Whole Body Health is my goal!
For those who follow my newsletter, it's been a while.
At the end of December, my Financial Services workload went through the roof. All this as our vacay to Florida started. My husband is an entertainer and was hired to entertain at the RV Supershow on the Tampa Fairgrounds. So, as a business write-off, each year I go with Larry and visit my family !!! All my business ventures decided that January was the month to do a challenge. I had to pick and choose what I could do and what needed to be ignored to keep my sanity. Ever been there???
Well, my LinkedIn Newsletter was a victim of that work overload !!!
BUT I do have exciting news to share both on the Financial Services side and the Health side.
In the Financial Services arena, an amazing new product was launched. New products get launched all the time, but this is a Guaranteed Indexed Universal Life. If you have an IUL, it is my suggestion that we do a policy review. Time after time, using an Inforce Illustration, our analysis proved that the IUL did not perform as illustrated !!! And, some IULs have been known to lapse when the owner needed the insurance the most ... in the Winter of their life and when purchasing new insurance was at an outrageous premium.
When I learned about the GIUL, I was soooo excited to share with EVERYONE and create illustrations that paint realistic earnings potential. Please reach out to me in a message, and we'll setup an appointment. If you have a 401K, 403B, or other retirement account without active contributions, let's meetup. My consultation is complimentary.
Now, on the health side.
Let's pHix your HEALTH
Let's pHix your WEALTH
An entertainer needs a venue to perform. When COVID locked down our country ... it also locked down our paychecks. What hit me like a brick was that all our income was in one basket. So I diversified. I joined a friend in the Financial Services world.
THEN I got a phone call. Louis Volpe is a fellow entrepreneur and a formulator. I have been drinking his Lean Java Bean weight-loss coffee since 2017. I don't know if anyone else has had this result, but for me, LJB raised my fasting blood sugar from 72 to 94. With that, my migraines stopped !!! Low blood sugar, hypoglycemia, would trigger a migraine every time.
To avoid a migraine, I would eat.
When you eat, you gain weight.
Well, I also lost 35 pounds on LJB !!! Whoot Whoot !!!
I drink my one cup of LJB every day. Then, the day after my birthday, Louis called to share this new product ... I was all ears.
pHix is a Mature Hops Extract. MarketPlace Global has the exclusive marketing rights to pHix. It only has 1 ingredient and is all natural. It's been referred to as:
God's Health Hack
And I believe it. Dr. Ben Bowers, Naturopathic doctor, has been analyzing the results of his patients on pHix. His stats are mind-blowing. For me, my deep sleep has increased from minutes per night to between 1 and 2+ hours each night since the middle of December. I am ecstatic with these results.
Please watch this interactive video Gem for more info:
Let's get started
Let's pHix your Health
Let's pHix your Wealth !!!
Message me, and I'll send you my calendar link.
Blessings, Donnis
Founder/CEO of WWTVN, (WorldWide TV) and Women On TV / Creator/CEO SheaNetics?
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