WOW!! Huge shout out to Rachel!! She is killin' it with my nutritional cleansing program!!! You go girl! Keep it up! Here is what she shares:
"So I actually had to send this picture to my bestie and ask her if she saw what I saw?!? Are those actually abs poppin'?? Hahah!!! #Operationsixpack in full effect!!
I am continually amazed by the way God created our bodies and the body's ability to adapt and change!!! Also by how good are bodies were meant to feel!!! I was talking to another Mom about nutrition and weight loss and I was telling her I didn't know how bad I used to feel until I started to really feel GOOD. That's how God made us!!!! He wants us to feel AMAZING!!!"
Pm me Jeff Beebe or Debi Beebe for info!!!
#nutritioniskey #amplifiedhealth
#decide #goals #healthy #getfit #change #weightloss #justdoit #commit#youchoose #loveyourself #hustle