SOLD!! Wow - Acreage, Views, Mobile Home & Mobile Home Lots! could offer a great view for a potential home site.
Shane Wilson
Principal Broker at Shane Wilson Real Estate, LLC | Owner/Principal Edgepoint LLC Insurance Agency
Wow - Acreage, Views, Mobile Home & Mobile Home Lots! This property has 1 older single wide that is almost rent ready. A second older single wide which is currently being used for storage, and a third mobile home lot. Live in one and make an income off the other 2 lots. Maybe mobile homes are not for you? This property slopes upward in the back and could offer a great view for a potential home site. The potential is here. What are you going to make of it? Call and schedule your viewing today! Price: $90,000 Address: 3317 Hurricane Road ROCKY FACE, GA 30740 Contact: Re/Max Select Realty - Contact Shane for the Code or call 706-229-7887 or my office line at 706-277-3434.