Would Your Premises Pass the ‘What If?’ Test?

Would Your Premises Pass the ‘What If?’ Test?

Most school estate teams would say they’re on top of things. The buildings are standing, the heating mostly works, and nothing has literally fallen down (yet). But let’s ask a different question:

?? What if… an inspector showed up tomorrow, unannounced?

?? What if… the fire alarm went off in the middle of an exam?

?? What if… the headteacher suddenly asked for a full compliance report in five minutes?

Would your estate pass the test—or would there be a mild panic involving a frantic search for missing paperwork, a few strategically vague answers, and a sudden realisation that the “urgent” repairs list is longer than expected?

Let’s find out. Score your premises as you go!

  • ? 0 points – Totally under control. You’re a premises management pro.
  • ?? 1 point – There’s room for improvement, but nothing is on fire (yet).
  • ?? 2 points – This might be a problem. And by "might," we mean it definitely is.

?? 1. You Know There’s a Fire Risk Assessment... Somewhere

You did it. You’re sure of it. But when you actually need it, you have to wade through three ring binders, a filing cabinet from 1998, and a folder labelled ‘IMPORTANT’ on your desktop to find the right version.

? 0 points – All documents are in a digital system, organised, and accessible in seconds, on any device.

?? 1 point – You think you know where they are, but let’s be honest, it’s a bit of a treasure hunt.

?? 2 points – Last seen in a mystery folder called "Miscellaneous 2016."

? Fix it: A document management system ensures that all compliance records, certificates, and safety reports are stored in one place—no paper chase required.

?? 2. Maintenance Requests Go Into a Mysterious Void

Teachers log issues… but no one is sure what happens next. The broken door handle from last term? Still broken. That flickering light? Now flashing at nightclub speed. Staff have started using secret workarounds, like wedging the door open with a chair.

? 0 points – Each request is tracked, prioritised, and actioned.

?? 1 point – Most requests get done… eventually.

?? 2 points – "Oh, that? We just assumed it was never going to be fixed."

? Fix it: A helpdesk system keeps track of every request so that nothing disappears into the ‘maintenance black hole.’

?? 3. You’re Relying on Dave’s Memory for Statutory Checks

Dave the site manager is a legend, but even he can’t remember every compliance test off the top of his head. If your system for managing inspections and safety checks is basically "Dave knows what to do", you might be at risk.

? 0 points – Everything is scheduled, logged, and monitored digitally.

?? 1 point – You’ve got a system… but it mostly lives in Dave’s head.

?? 2 points – “Dave’s on holiday? Oh. Um. What tests are due?”

? Fix it: A planned preventative maintenance (PPM) system automatically schedules and logs every required test, ensuring compliance isn’t dependent on one person’s heroic efforts.

?? 4. Contractors Are Turning Up Like It’s Open Mic Night

"Who’s that guy with the toolbox?" If you’re not entirely sure who is working on-site today, that’s a problem. Contractors should be vetted, insured, and—most importantly—expected before they arrive.

? 0 points – Every contractor is vetted, logged, and scheduled in advance.

?? 1 point – You keep an eye on it, but it’s not exactly a watertight process.

?? 2 points – “I just assumed they were meant to be here?”

? Fix it: A contractor database keeps track of who’s approved to work on-site, ensuring safety and accountability.

?? 5. Capital Project Planning is Basically a Game of ‘Whack-a-Mole’

Boiler breaks? Fix it. Roof leaks? Fix it. Playground floods? Fix it. But what if these issues could have been anticipated and budgeted for instead of dealt with in a last-minute panic?

? 0 points – You have a clear digital capital plan, and nothing is a surprise.

?? 1 point – You try to plan ahead, but there’s still a lot of reactive work.

?? 2 points – “Wait, why didn’t we know about this before it became an emergency?”

? Fix it: A capital programme manager helps you plan ahead instead of reacting to emergencies like a firefighter with an ever-shrinking budget.

?? 6. The School’s Estate Budget is Mostly an ‘Educated Guess’

If budget meetings involve a mix of historical spending data, hopeful estimates, and a bit of luck, it’s time for a better system. Estate teams need real-time visibility of spending, not just a yearly surprise when costs spiral.

? 0 points – You know exactly where the budget is going, and why.

?? 1 point – You have a rough idea, but some things still take you by surprise.

?? 2 points – “We spent how much on emergency repairs last term?!”

? Fix it: With automated reporting, you can track costs, forecast needs, and avoid those awkward “why is this so expensive?” conversations.

Your ‘What If?’ Test Score

Now, add up your points and see how your school estate stacks up:

  • 0-3 points: ?? Gold Star! Your estate management is in top shape. You could give a surprise tour to an inspector right now and sleep easy at night.
  • 4-7 points: ?? Not too bad, but some things could be tighter. There are a few gaps that might cause a headache if the ‘What If?’ scenario actually happened.
  • 8-12 points: ?? This is a bit risky. Time to put some systems in place before something (literally) falls apart.
  • 13+ points: ?? Absolute chaos. Call for backup. Your estate team deserves a medal for holding things together. But seriously—it’s time to overhaul the way things are managed before a ‘What If?’ situation turns into a real disaster.

Put your score in the comments… if you're brave enough!

Would Your Schools Pass the ‘What If?’ Test?

The best school estate teams aren’t the ones that scramble to fix things when they go wrong—they’re the ones that stop things going wrong in the first place.

If your score is higher than you’d like, now’s the time to act. Because when it comes to school estate management, "It’ll probably be fine" isn’t a strategy.


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