Would you rather write for free?
Echez O'Ford
I am a volunteer by day, a copywriter by night. I help businesses and brands get the attention they deserve through copywriting.
Hello friends, it's been a while,?
Last week, I wrote to you, but something happened along the way.
My assistant had your article published in the wrong newsletter. I take personal responsibility for that mistake. Apologies rendered.
But so you don't miss out on it, here is the gist:
It was simply a question: Would you?rather?write for free?
Think of?a world—a strange and slightly terrifying world—where writing wasn't a path to fame, fortune, or even a decent cup of coffee.
I know it's not something you are thinking about.
But interestingly, many of the great names you know have or still write for free.
Take?a look at the article; Would you?rather?write for free?
I promise it will be worth your while. And I will see you on Friday, as usual.
While we are on it, I would like to thank you all for the support so far.
We now have 1030+ people who love what we do here, and 33 editions of writing and freelancing tips.
If you have not subscribed, you may not hear from us on Friday. Subscribe here to "Writing and Freelancing Tips."