Would you like more profit?
Profit Coach Mike Ogilvie, and Profit Maximisation Expert Kevin Bees discuss how to increase your profitability

Would you like more profit?

Would you like more profit in your business?

If so, you'll find today's interview to be super valuable, as I speak with UK's leading profit coach, Michael Ogilvie .

Mike and I discuss:

? The importance of business owners having a coach ask them the right questions.

? Why measuring your numbers is critical to the growth and success of your business

? How you are dropping money all around you and not noticing – until you identify these profit robbers.

? Profit Robbers eg poor listening, poor communication, poor marketing.

? Why you should STOP discounting in your business.

? How to get your team in the right attitude to care about picking up the $s that are all around you.

? Management is for systems, and leadership is for people… get into their hearts and minds if you want to influence them to care.

? An exciting story of a man selling pineapples at $200 per pineapple – and how he does this by creating an experience that people want to be a part of.

? Why price becomes irrelevant if the customer desires the experience you offer

? The power of price contrasting

? Life-Changing Questions: ‘Why are you in business?’ Getting connected emotionally with why you do what you do, and how this empowered Mike to buy 3 properties within 1 year.

? Why it could be powerful to fire clients who are not your ideal clients, to make space for clients you prefer working with.

? About his experience of climbing Mount Kinabalu in Borneo, and in Patagonia and what he has learned traveling to other countries

and much more…

You can check out the full interview here


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