Would you like to manage 168,000 members?
Kishore Dharmarajan
If you are looking for a job or business leads in UAE, share my profile on your LinkedIn post to reach 100,000 brands in the UAE | CEO of Seosouq.com | Baselook.com | DMD Group (165K Members)
If you have always wanted to manage groups but have never done that, here is an opportunity for you.
For $2,000 you can manage a group with 168,000 members for one month.
Meaning you become a moderator for the group (not an admin) for one month.
As a moderator, you get full access to posting, sharing and going live in the group.
Which means, you can get a lot of visibility for your brand.
You can also post in our eventbrite group with 60,000 members and whatsapp group with 2000 members.
There are also two FB pages where you can post to another 70,000 people.
If it sounds interesting, hit me up.
9 小时前Interesting