Would you like to double profits?
Results and implications arising from the practical implementation of the OPD system
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These are the first two pages. suggest you read these, and decide the key questions you would like to answer, then either access the full paper, or make contact to discuss the questions.
Recommended due diligence
The OPD system offers precision and coherence of effort in relation to business goals beyond any other system. Second, it is new, different, and people do not yet have the skills or insight. Given legitimate scepticism, due diligence is essential. We suggest the process: (1) Read the first two pages and contents - 5 minutes. (2) Scan rest -15 minutes. (3) Then select say 8-10 question from page 2 that would settle in your mind the system is viable and will payback as projected. Use the questions to reflect and engage with the ideas. Given the potential gains, due diligence will not waste your time.
If human performance can be improved 10%, the OPD system will achieve that. When performance is improved 10% because of the multiplier effect profits improve 30% to 60% (see the section on the OPD system and the multiplier effect).
The three critical questions for a CEO/Senior Executive are: Is a 60% gain in profits real? Why will OPD technology deliver it? Why can it not be done with our internal resources? With the answers:
- A 60% gain in profits is realistic and can be achieved.
- Because OPD theory is globally the only theory built on scientific fundamental thinking, only the technology for strategic management of human performance derived from it, OPD-SHRM, can achieve this level of result, and only then by careful and thorough implementation.
- The thinking is new, not yet widely distributed, and no company yet has the internal resources that understand it or with the insight or skill to implement it (read the section on the critical success factors of implementation).
OPD system derived from OPD theory is focused on the link between strategy and the mind of those who must act to deliver the strategy. OPD theory breaks human resources into administration and compliance, covering current HR policy and practice; and strategic HR focused on building clear and well defined link between strategy and the mind of each person in the organization such that they act in the manner offering greatest chance of greatest success. Within OPD, HR emerges as the primary driver of strategy roll out and organizational success.
The paper has as its core client actual working documents. Using those documents, their development and implementation, the paper explores how all key performance aspects of HR are changed. There are three critical elements in applying OPD system in an organization.
- Political: The insight and understanding of the CEO that once strategy is agreed then roll out success depends on identifying the ideal actions that constitute the behavioral structure and delivery of those actions to standard.
- Management: The management process whereby ideal actions (role specifications) required to achieve team goals (KPIs) are defined, refined and accepted.
- Leadership: The adoption of the role specifications as game plans of ‘what I do at work’ by team members and the ongoing performance management by team leaders to support delivery of the game plans by team members each day at work.
The OPD theory is covered in essays at the LinkedIn profile, www.dhirubhai.net/in/grahamrlittle, and supporting books. The appendix contains a suggested reading program on OPD theory and system.
Discussion questions
- Calculate the profit gain in your business if sales increased 4% and costs reduced 4%.
- If the CEO and/or Executive are not committed to the OPD process, what will happen?
- What are the critical factors when aiming to have people adopt new ideas?
- Describe the model of psychology used in OPD?
- Discuss motivation and flow within OPD and how it differs from existing thinking?
- Why is choice so important and how is it developed in OPD?
- Describe the key points of OPD theory.
- Discuss how politics, management and leadership are structured under OPD.
- Within OPD management is presented as more important than leadership. Discuss why, and how would you use the insight?
- What is a role specification and how does it differ from current job descriptions?
- What is ‘balanced effort’ and why is it important? How is it achieved Under OPD?
- Why must the CEO finally sign off all role specifications?
- Within OPD system what are the two functions of HR?
- Describe the relationship between HR and team leaders under OPD. What key skills need to be developed in HR?
- Define engagement with OPD. Discuss how it differs from existing ideas on engagement.
- People are asked to commit to their own work life success. How is this different from existing thinking? Why is this commitment important?
- Why is it important to integrate business processes into role specifications?
- Discuss what is likely to happen when a team is asked to work on its time budgets.
- Describe the key role of senior executives under OPD.
- What are the key features of team performance management under OPD? How does it differ from current thinking on performance management?
- OPD emerges as the system of strategic roll out. Discuss why and how this occurs.
- Describe the idea of a ‘professional’ culture. How does it evolve?
- What is the HCD Committee and why is it important?
- What is the OPDPPL and why is it important? How would you establish the OPDPPL in your business? How could you use it?
- How would you implement change under OPD? Do you think this easier or harder?
- How would you guide a team to refine and develop the role specifications in the team? Discuss the issues you would expect to emerge?
- Discuss ‘go out and find people doing something right’ as it applies in OPD system?
- Discuss OPD cultural audits. How are they different and how would you use them?
- How would you identify talent under OPD? Once identified, how would you develop it?
- How does OPD system alter: Recruiting, induction and training?
- Discuss standing and dynamic human capital. Are they important? How would you use them?
- Discuss the idea of the learning firm under OPD.
- Describe working ‘on’ the business under OPD.
- How would you describe creativity within a role specification?
- Discuss ‘people do not react well to being told what to do’ as it applies to OPD.
- Describe the difference between HRIS and SHRMIS.
- List the steps to implement OPD in a team.
- Describe how you would implement ongoing profit improvement under OPD.
- Discuss the term organization development under OPD.
- Is any aspect of the operation of the organisation missing within OPD?
Refer profile summary section for a full PDF, email and request own copy [email protected], or contact me to discuss your questions.