Would YOU Like It If You Didn't Have A Place To Go?
Jed Kobernusz
Certified Massage Therapist | ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist | Coach
I love this pic because it represents ME...
I have ADHD and I would like to think I am VERY successful...
I think that we ALL have a level of mental illness, but we just go undiagnosed for one reason or another...
I also think people underestimate a person with a Mental Illness...
I think they underestimate THEMSELVES...
SO, with my Gym (YGT Fitness) I will help begin to regain that belief and work on Mental HEALTH instead of worrying about mental ILLNESS...
Please help me raise the funds to do so by going to: www.gofundme.com/jedkobernusz
Even if it is simply sharing it to ALL social media platforms- Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, Periscope and ALL the other ones...
I appreciate ALL of what you do for ME, so this is a way I can GIVE back!!
Just think, if 16,000 people donated $5 TODAY, then I can get this started TODAY!!
Senior Level Consultant for Fitness; Athletic Performance and Curriculum/Instruction Companies/
9 年Love it! We need more thoughtful people like you in this world! Mental illness is horribly overlooked in all aspects of society.... Thank you!