Would You Know What Success Looks Like?
Judy Bullimore
Career Empowerment Coach. The creator of #Career Jewels for primary schools #Package Your Potential for secondary schools and #The Interview Story Impression Technique
Following on from last weeks edition of the Package Your Career Potential newsletter which asked the question; Are you celebrating your successes? Today I'm attempting to elaborate on what constitutes career success so that you can spot your achievements quicker!
Often people think it means to have delivered something tangible e.g. to be able to say that you started something and it turned into something better/ amazing. Actually success is in the PROCESS. The definition I'm emphasising here is the relationship of success to all of the meetings, negotiations, networking and, conversations. Navigating the workplace twists and turns. Dealing with the range of personalities and workplace dramas. Exercising patience and perseverance. The planning, organisation and inner strength to push through when things get hard, or where there's a ‘spanner in the works’ and and something hasn't gone to plan.
The SUCCESS within all of this PLUS the TANGIBLE OUTCOME and the IMPACT.
The outcome and the impact is the type of thing that you would lead with if you were applying or interviewing, however most employers/ interviewers will ask you a competency based question for a reason. They ask; Tell me about a time when you have achieved a great result or managed a difficult or managed a difficult person, or overcame a difficult task. These questions are designed to extract and understand the context around HOW you approach things. So actually knowing and capturing your successes in this level of detail will propel you into creating more of the impact that you're absolutely capable of.
So my final encouragement really is to identify your successes, even the things that you perceive to be quite small and insignificant, because believe me when I say (wearing my Career Coach, Interview Specialist, Recruiter hat) the blending of your wonderful achievements merge to create the most vivid and beautiful picture picture of your potential, which can be marketed and packaged for ultimate career success!
This is exactly what my Career Success Planner is designed to capture. If you’re in a place where you want to start packaging your successes in preparation for your next level, then definitely check out my Career Success Experiences.
As ever, sending you career hugs,
Judy ?