Would you go to the doctor after you were sick?
Have any of you guys ever been so ill that you HAD to get an emergency appointment at the doctor's?
You were in so much pain, and you felt so bad that you needed immediate attention?
I remember when I was so ill I could not even walk, I had a terrible stomach ache and felt so sick I was in TEARS
and I have a high pain threshold. I went to the doctors in my Little Mermaid Pj's I was THAT BAD!
I knew I was sick and I just wanted some pain relief and some help
One thing we hear A LOT is
"When I have lost some weight I will come back and work with you"
"When things are better here I will come and work with you"
I get confused because surely you are in some sort of pain, you need some sort of help BUT you put it off
It's like me being in so much pain with my stomach that I say
"I'll go to the doctors when this has passed and I feel better"
NO, I need help NOW so get me some
I am sure when you have been so sick you have gone to the doctor you don't wait to be better to go and visit them (well usually anyway)
IMO from speaking to others and from my own experience the reason we don't take action and put it off is down to 2 things
1. Fear of change and failure - could this be another notch on the bedpost of failing at something
2. Not seeing that your enough to invest in and get help
You don't worry about those sorts of things when you go tot he doctors you just see PAIN and you want PLEASURE (to get well)
Working on yourself with a PT or a coach you perhaps you see that you need help BUT the pain of asking for help and the possible result of pint no 1 is SO BAD that it pushes you away
Because we will do anything to avoid pain and everything to gain pleasure
Even if that means staying how you are for another 1-10 years
Just something to think about today
P.S this is an OLD pic so don't panic! :)