Would Testers be better Developers?
One of the recent fad in a software development team is that every one should be able to do something about everything. Which means a developer should be able to write tests without depending on the testers. And the testers should be able to assist the developers with writing codes or doing code reviews etc. And some teams go the full extremes and empower the developers to do the all of the testing as well.
The risk in this approach is very glaring on paper. But the concept of cross skilling does make a compelling case. Developers have a natural tendencies to work out a solution for a problem. They come up with an algorithmic approach to automate a business process. Testers on the other hand are good in figuring out if the solution is actually sound. Which begs the question, would testers be better developers through cross skilling?
I think testers would make excellent developers, as they have a strong insight into where the common bugs occur in the code. If they apply their testing experience whilst developing software, the risk of serious bugs would be minimized if not completely removed.
It is very important for testers with technical background to consider getting cross skilled and contribute better towards delivering a high quality product. And as with anything, you get used to coding as you keep doing it. So take the plunge and surprise yourself and the developers and the management with your insightful intellect.