Would love your help and feedback
Hello Colleagues. I would love it if you could be a guinea pig and download our new app. If you have an iPhone 5 or newer please give it a whirl. It's not available on Android until late July but if you visit our site you can request to be notified when Play Store is live www.uzoom.me Also would greatly appreciate it if you post or share any videos you take to use hashtag #uZoom
Unlike models that rely on advertising or broadcast, we are a one to one purpose driven platform fueled by commerce. A user requests a video and a “Zoomer” accepts the request and gets paid to shoot it.
The entire live video experience is controlled by the user paying the Zoomer. After the video is completed the user owns the video in MP4 format and can share it however they like, they own the footage. Download our app and give it a whirl, we would love to hear about your experience so please be open and honest and send any feedback directly to me!
For a little more on what uZoom is take a peek at our YouTube video: https://bit.ly/uzoomyt