Would this happen again in the 21st century?
Biased judges can only live in the past? Can we be sure of this? What if the mob thinks different? What this proves is that the so called “independent judges” can't be independent of what moves the mob (crowd of people acting disorderly with unusual violence) ..
When racism is strong (like in the deep America of the 1920s and 30s), we will definitely see biased judges ..
The worst part of it, is that it can still happen also in 2024..
Not very different from what happens with the “Islamic courts” in Iran or Afghanistan, can you even imagine a fair Islamic judge daring the furious Islamic mob raging for hanging a woman at the public square based on false accusations like spitting over the Quran…
Remember 2000 years ago, a certain “Jesus” who deserved to be freed by the roman power, he had been help in captivity based on false testimony and lack of proofs.
However Pharisees manipulated the Mob and it chose to torture Jesus to death … the Mob’s will weighted even more than roman’s powerful governor opinion..
Pontius Pilate couldn't even understand the reasons behind such biased mob and pharisees against that innocent man.
Beware with the mob, we are approaching hard times if we think this kind of awful crimes cannot happen again