Would focusing on "one thing" this year make a difference?
Danette Layne
Wellbeing Advocate. Strategic Communicator. Optimizer of Systems. I love to write, hike & make beautiful, useful things and facilitate engaging experiences for others.
Have you considered one thing to focus on this year - or do you have a big to-do list?
Today’s message is brought to you by bullets. (so you can skim and glean!)
Here’s the backstory of that question:
- I used to have massive, multiple, or many goals I would try to accomplish in a year
- I would get all juiced up on oxytocin - that’s what your brain produces when you are “planning” - b/c we like to have agency (or control of our lives)
- I would set things up (new shoes, new planner, new candle, new oil, new journal)
- I would start working at the goals, tracking things, reading them
- I would burn out
- I would beat myself up for burning out
- I would start the negative spin of self-talk about (too many messages or limiting beliefs to list in a bullet email)
- I would avoid
- I would muscle back up
- I would rinse and repeat that pattern
Can you relate to a couple of bullets?
Here's what I’ve learned through study of successful people, observation, action (and inaction), and client wins and challenges:
- Start with a compelling vision
- Read vision often
- Identify your "one thing"
- Go all in on the one thing
- It has a domino effect
Key to getting this domino effect is to choose commitment over just interested. If you're just interested - it's not going to work. To get the experience you want it requires commitment. Don't create a goal until or unless you're committed or you're just setting yoruself up for frustration and failure.
Then, find a window of time to carve out and work on your one thing.
Maybe this month it means working on it from 5 am to 530 before the fam gets up.
Maybe it's carving out one weekend a month for the next three months to really go at it on your "one thing."
Maybe it's chunking your one thing out in 12 steps and doing one piece every week over the next 3 months.
Maybe it's chunking down a new habit and doing one piece for 30 days and adding another piece for the next 30 days, building up to the habit you want to create.
Because you’ll be focused on your one thing you’ll take consistent action (if you carve out time and are more than interested - you’re committed).
Because you keep your vision top of mind your subconscious will be programmed and your brain will see the gap between what you want (your vision) and where you are and start working on bringing things into your awareness to close that gap. No action plan needed.
Win - win - winning!
At the end of the day (or year) you’re more likely to have accomplished one thing (and all the little domino effects of it) versus having attempted and made little or no progress on several things.
And it will have a whole lot more EASE and space for joy so you can stop and smell (or plant) the flowers.
My Business One Thing: build connections with women I want to work with, collaborate with, and go on adventures with to make a difference.
My Personal One Thing: furthering my laser simplification of routines and rituals.
What’s your one thing for 2021?
Send me a note and share it!
Here's to your one-thing success this year,