Would it be controversial to ask the question; ‘Do we risk fetishising leadership?’

Would it be controversial to ask the question; ‘Do we risk fetishising leadership?’

It’s yet another one of those interminable blah de blah weeks – next week. International Leadership Week 2022 - to be exact.

If LinkedIn did ‘Shorts’.

A cursory few minutes on YouTube will invariably serve up the usual cocktail of; shuffle dancing, skipping, Andrew Tate-isms and an endless and random (or are they ??) selection of uploads of muscle cars, banal narcissists carrying out acts of the most basic utility – along with a dollop of not so, thinly veiled product placement (monetise your ass!).

So, it seems with LinkedIn. Endless posts, shares and re-shares of ‘leaders’ – saying errrr, leadership stuff. Deeply philosophical, bordering on the metaphysical – Ark of the Covenant reveals and insights and saviour complex types salivating.

'You don't need to follow me, you don't need to follow anyone - you're all individuals!' ("I'm not shouts the man at the back!")

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There appears to be a growing cult of leadership movement – a playground in pinstripes environment - where there are assertions and threats – almost a; ‘my leader is better than your leader’ or ‘I’m going to get my leader and he’ll kick your leader’s head in’ type of mentality.

Perhaps is the fact that most (almost all) of the willing supplicants do not know these people that are being erected on the pedestal of omniscience and omnipotence – therefore the distant, out of reach and enigmatic nature of the ‘relationship’ – risks morphing into something almost godlike and godly.

So, what makes for a good and impressive – so called, ‘leader’? The list is long – arguably, endless and 100% subjective and open to interpretation.

Let’s face it – Charles Manson was considered a ‘leader’ – and look what that gets you; a maniacal, murderous, LSD soaked – pure son of the devil deviant.

Don’t get me wrong; positive, healthy and exemplar role models are, without doubt, a force for good – for any society and civilisation. Seeing, listening to someone with something meaningful, profound and life affirming to say – is spirituality nutritional.

Are we falling into the trap of our admiration being more about the person’s; profile, successes, status, wealth, ideology, power and perceived reputation – more than perhaps the qualities, philosophy, nature, actions and deeds.

But I say – look closer to home and even, within.

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Instead of – at least as well as - fawning over the new wave of celebrity leaders; check out the below the radar leadership - already within your orbit; there in plain sight.

Try this for size:Think (REALLY think!!) of some of the people that you have had the good fortune to meet, work with, play sports with, pass the time with – or, even have had a significant relationship with/attachment to – family, partners; past and present, still with us – or sadly passed away.

Unless you’ve been really unlucky and never had such pleasure and privilege – there’re surely some who spring to mind. Those people that you have an enduring memory of, and respect for. Those that bring a smile to your face – even a spike of feel good oxytocin.

Now get busy with the adjectives – compassionate, caring, stoical, hardworking, funny, supportive, team players, resourceful, clever, selfless, versatile, generous, reliable, consistent, loyal, willing, friendly, loving, skilled, capable, unsung, brave, unstinting, dependable…you get the idea.

?These words, these qualities – who and what they are/were are no less real, meaningful or valid. The fact that they may not have been lauded or even acknowledged for their qualities – paradoxically, makes them all the more impressive.

So what – that they’re not high profile business people, celebrities, tech billionaires, TikTok'rs, YouTubers or whatever.

If we’re really saying that leadership is about; qualities, behaviour, living the right values and making the difference that matter to most ‘normal’ people – and it’s really not about celebrity, trappings of wealth and power – then we all have had, have and will have authentic leadership in our midst – IF we pay enough attention to when it presents itself.

I would go on to posit – that most people, if they permit themselves to look and acknowledge – have impressive leadership qualities and potential within themselves.

If you’re not sold on my hypothesis – go gorge on this! https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/356072/how-to-be-better-leader.aspx?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8I2KtNGU-wIVicvtCh0ddQj9EAAYAiAAEgLjHvD_BwE


Happy International Leadership Week #ILW22 #leadership #leaders #selfesteem

Amity Watts

Marketing | Events | Tech

2 年

'Don't follow leaders and watch the parking meters' - is the gist of what you're saying yes?!

Dr Julia Morgan

Leeds Beckett University - Head of the Leadership Centre

2 年

As you do well Steve ??

Dr Julia Morgan

Leeds Beckett University - Head of the Leadership Centre

2 年

Steve read the dark side of transformational leadership by @dennistourish it will answer these questions. Another good read is The CEO Society by Carl Rhodes which is a brilliant book.


