Is it worthwhile tuning into the BBO.SHOW?
Harminder Toor
''I threw a boomerang a few years ago. I now live in constant fear''. Boomerang - leaving my job. Few years ago - 10 years ago. Fear - business is wild.
Like most online business and digital marketing questions we get, the answer is, it depends. So the next question is, what does it depend on?
But before I get into that let me talk through what the BBO.SHOW is through my personal lens. I say personal because I have a co-host. If someone follows anything I do online you are probably wondering, ‘Harms, don’t you do anything by yourself?’. The answer as it currently stands is, ‘that is way less fun than having a buddy to do it with’.
My property business has as a buddy - my wife. The Growth Tribes Podcast has a buddy - Dr Ro. My digital marketing agency has a whole bunch of buddies. And the BBO.SHOW has a buddy - Kyle Balmer.
Back to what the BBO.SHOW is. BBO stands for Building Businesses Online. Which is way too long of a phrase to have used as the show title, so we will have to await the adoption of the acronym BBO over time. BBO.SHOW is a way in which Kyle and I can share online business ‘how-to’ with an audience who may currently be mystified by the whole concept of being able to make money online.
The mystical feeling around online business comes from the lack of differentiating tools & techniques from sound business principles. Search Engine Optimisation, Fulfilled by Amazon, Dropshipping, Teeshirt print on demand, Landing Pages, Chat Bots, Social Media, Facebook Advertising, Linked In Organic Reach, Funnels - are what we would consider a tool or technique.
A business, however, works on the basis that there is an idea/product/service that the market wants/needs. Attracts an audience to this idea/product/service. Builds trust with this audience in exchange for permission to market to them (we call this a tribe). Offering the tribe the idea/product/service. Finally scaling once your idea/product/service is profitable.
You may be reading this thinking, ‘that process you just described sounds like a classic (boring) business’. Your thinking is absolutely correct. Which leads me back to the BBO.SHOW and what it is. It’s about the transference of these boring business fundamentals (which we define within the acronym BATON) to the online world. Because although the shiny tools & techniques glisten on your news feed and therefore grab our attention, we shouldn’t miss the fact that online business is just a business.
So is listening to the show worthwhile? It depends on your focus. If your focus is to discover how to create a sustainable business online then absolutely. If your focus is for a quick win using a shiny tool & technique then definitely not.
Now you know if it’s worthwhile or not, come and listen to the show and learn more head over to
The show is hosted LIVE 12 PM, Monday to Friday on YouTube - and streamed live thereafter on Facebook and Twitch. (Recordings available on the YouTube channel and
Additional note: It may come across in my description of the show that I am against the amazing tools & techniques available at our fingertips. It’s quite the opposite, in fact, I am all for them being used within the BATON system. Within a sound business. My only reservation is the misappropriate use of energy, which I talk from experience. And that misuse comes from the learning and implementation of a new technique for a quick win. But once the ‘smash and grab’ has run its course we must once again learn and implement for another quick win. Remember the win is never guaranteed, it actually comes with a low probability because there was no time for mastery. Compared to the consistent focused energy required to build a business. Bother require energy, one uses it more efficiently.