Is it Worth it? The Top 5 Most Expensive Sports From a Recruitment Standpoint
Sports can be a huge investment. So how do you know if the investment is worth it? It can be hard to tell sometimes, so we’re going to break down the 5 most expensive sports you can get recruited for in no particular order. This list includes the cost of club teams, traveling, and equipment so you can make that call for yourself.?
Travel baseball can run anywhere from $3,000-$8,000 per year. This is dependent on if families want to pay for extra training lessons, where they’re willing to travel to for tournaments, and what team they play for. It also is dependent on how much a family is willing to pay for equipment.?
Softball is similar to baseball in terms of gear, as costs can total up to $500 a year. Also like baseball, Softball teams are also traveling similarly to baseball, meaning if you’re willing to spend the money to go to out-of-state tournaments, you can be looking at up to $8,000 per year.?
Basketball averages out to $5,000 to compete on a club team. This number does not include those sponsored by major companies. For example, both Nike and Adidas sponsor AAU basketball teams which foot the bill for most of the costs. If your child can make it onto one of their teams, it drastically reduces costs to under $1,000 a year.?
The cost of soccer is highly dependent on both the level and age. As you go up in skill and age level, costs can go up as high as $5,000 a year on top of a registration fee and travel costs for tournaments.?
Similar to soccer, the cost of volleyball recruiting varies greatly with skill level. The best of the best teams can cost up to $10,000. This cost includes club fees, travel costs, and a longer season. If an athlete chooses to go with a cheaper club they can spend about $1,000-$2,000, but their season will be shorter, there will be less travel, and the competition will not be as intense.
These sports may not seem to be the first ones that come to mind when you think of costs, but travel fees, club fees, and outside training add up, making them incredibly expensive to most elite athletes. Before deciding on a sport, make sure you check out how much it can cost throughout the years and weigh that into your decision. Your wallet will thank you!
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