Worth Remembering Gems I Found in 'The Forty Rules Of Love'
Photo by Danil Ahmet?ah on Unsplash

Worth Remembering Gems I Found in 'The Forty Rules Of Love'

Hey, my fellow reader!

It's been a week since I got to talk with you.

Life can be busy. A good thing, sometimes. Not so, the other times.

Do you agree?

Well, for me the current weeks are quite hectic.

To answer your kind why, I've given a glimpse of it in this newsletter article.

But, I've found through my experience and that of the world around me that life implores to turn you towards science or arts whenever you're at a crossroads kind of thing.

Have you read what the writer Lemony Snicket said about it?

Don't think too hard (I'm sure a thousand relevant words and worlds must be swimming in your head).

I'll let you read his words here :-)

“When trouble strikes, head to the library. You will either be able to solve the problem, or simply have something to read as the world crashes down around you.”

Lemony Snicket

So, I found myself surrounded by soothing lessons from The Forty Rules of Love by Elf Shafak.

This, as I'm sure you know, is a remarkable work with loads of lessons at every page.

The best thing about it is seeing a historic spiritual hero as a fictional character.

The second I open my copy of this book, the highlights on it always greet me with open arms.

The depth of the liners, where'd one find a match?

In this newsletter post, I'll share a few quotes with little words and tons of philosophy and how they impacted my life in many ways.

And before we start with it..

Be assured...

I hope they are practical for you as well.

#1. Be the flow

“Do not go with the flow. Be the flow.” -Elf Shafak

Finding your voice, your inner self is crucial for a better life.

We, humans, want to blend in with the crowd.

What we don’t know is how much we would have to sacrifice our true selves.

This is not something little, trust me.

Following the crowd sometimes won’t take you where you want to go.

What's the big deal, then?

When you go on your own, the crowd tends to follow you.

#2. Be Careful With Your Words

“The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space, and they will come back to us in due time.” -Elf Shafak

Yes, we all know about words but not everything about them touches the hearts.

Everyone advises us to choose words wisely.

But, What if we are warned of an invisible yet possible way of payback?

Words do come back.

It may take some time but kind and cruel words both find their way back.

The enveloping support around your life is an example.

#3. Let the change shape you.

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” -Elf Shafak

Changes are not always welcomed.

We don’t know how?we?would?end?up?with?them.

But who knows which way is better?

Risks are meant to be taken.

Which is to say...

What can not be cured must be endured!

Rumi’s work and work about Rumi continue to resonate with millions.

Some quotes never cease to inspire and these three are among them.

I hope you admire them?too.

Thank you for being there :) Please let me know which resonated with you the most.

#selfimprovement #motivation #procrastination #personaldevelopment #mindset #productivity

Are you passionate about more personal growth stuff? Would like some deep, engaging content on the deepest and debatable aspects of life?

I, with 3 years of experience in self-growth learning & research & and writing, have compiled articles on 9 nuances of life in my eBook, Defog Your Focus. You can read it for free here.

Hello reader,

I'm Fiza Ameen, HEC Essay-Competition Awardee and top writer awardee at Medium. You can find more about me on my blog.

If you want my freelance evergreen content (the writings that do not die as the day dies) on a topic of your choice at an affordable rate, feel free to reach out.

As an answer to why that'd be a trustworthy choice (for Simon Sinek encourages the world to start with why), here's the reader's review of my writings, and here's my portfolio website.

Thank you very much for your time. Be blessed always :)

?#selfimprovement #motivation #procrastination #personaldevelopment #mindset #productivity


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