Is it worth job hunting over the festive holidays?

Is it worth job hunting over the festive holidays?

December 16, 2022|The Christmas Job Hunt

Christmas is one of those special times in the year, known for winding down and spending time with loved ones.?

But what if you've decided to go job hunting? maybe you want to finally gain that perfect role for the new year, or maybe you've been on the hunt for a while and now Christmas is upon us, and you are feeling disheartened, what should you do??

Should you put the hunt on hold until the New Year? tough it out in the Job you currently have, even though it's making you unhappy? Absolutely not!!?

Contrary to popular belief Christmas is actually the perfect time to be Job Hunting, completing those dreaded applications, perfecting your CV and even practicing your interviewing skills! Don't believe me? then read on for the logic part.?

Use the advantage

Most people believe they should do just what we mentioned above, they put off completing applications, delay sending their CV or making that phone call, so with less competition knocking on the doors of your potential employer, they are even more receptive when hearing from you.?

More and more business's now stay open over the festive season and trust me, they are not putting off recruiting until the new year, there business strategies are still very much active and on track. They have extra budget to spend before the end of the year and they've just had an influx of the 'New Year, New Me' resignations, meaning you are the breath of fresh air and saviour of the impending stress they are dreading come January.

Hiring managers are also easier to contact right now, as the number of applicants is lower and other areas in the business have quietened, so their full attention can be given to you, plus you have the added bonus of them being in the festive spirit, which just adds to them welcoming your approach, they will happily discuss the roles informally and give you advice, it also means even if they ask you to submit an application for consideration in January, they will remember your name, that rapport has already being established, so grab that opportunity to get in front of the crowd and that manager while you can.

Why is it a good time for you personally?

Depending on the reason you have for wanting that new job, be it a career change, unhappy in your role, or need to find work fast, Christmas is perfect, you are already on holiday, so you are not scrolling the job pages, whilst hiding from the boss, or filling out applications in your lunch break, faking meetings or appointments, so you can get out of the office for have the freedom of the holidays to apply and interview, stress free! winning! and as mentioned above, if you are out of work, there is less competition, so your chances of being hired have just shot through the roof!

First things first

You need to be prepared for that next opportunity, so dig out that old CV and give it the best refresh of its life, either by yourself personally, or get professional help.

I recommend speaking to a recruiter that specialises in your industry, they know the market and know how the hiring managers like the CVs to look/read, the recruiter will take time to tailor your CV for you, using the key words needed to get you seen, highlighting the important information required and filtering out the unnecessary padding (we all put it in there, so do not worry)?

Unfortunately, there are some agencies out there that actually charge for writing professional CV's and even though I will probably be shot for this, avoid those that charge, like the plague, any recruiter worth their salt, can write great CV's, it's a main part of their job role, plus if you give that recruiter your exclusivity to find you work, they are earning the cost incurred in writing that CV tenfold.

So how do you know who to work with? get networking with recruiters, its Christmas, and recruiters tend to never stop working and love to party, so look up networking events for your sector on LinkedIn, join them, add the recruiters (we love to chat) and get recommendations from people who you know personally, any recruiter will tell you how amazing they are, they are sales people after all and this is all part of the sale. Tread with care and background check, as much as possible, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Relax and enjoy

Once you've found your perfect recruiter, your CV is glistening and those submissions/applications have gone through, with zero stress, put your dancing shoes on and enjoy the festive season in all its glory, you just grabbed a serious advantage, one that you will soon reap rewards from, either quickly or as hiring managers return to the office in January, either way, get ready to be accepting that dream role!?

If you would like further advice, please do not hesitate to contact me directly

Sheena Posket, Director of The SKA Group?

16/12/2022 - Merry Christmas Everyone :)


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