Worth Its Weight In Gold
In spite of it being another windy day, we actually had temps up in the mid-sixties in our downtown this afternoon which was feeling like an off-worldly happing considering we're well into the month of November. Yep, you can blame it all on global warming which has placed our world on a fast-track of climate change. My greatest fear going forward, is the political instability it'll be creating around the world, which will be spinning-off all the more wars and sectarian violence. As much as I don't like making negative predictions, I'm growing more convinced we're just at the beginning of a very bad domino effect which will likely create a near-unrecognizable world in just a few short decades.
I did manage to get another one of my listings under contract, and happy to find it being a good match-up between the home and it's new buyer. Since I was delivered the abstract to the property this morning, I had a few minutes to review it before handing it over to our abstract company, and wasn't a bit surprised when finding that particular home had been in the owner's family for well over seventy years. Now that's remarkable in and of itself. My hat goes off to them for taking such good care of it over those many years, which is a testament to those who make it a priority to keep ahead of their homes' general upkeep and maintenance. Yes, I'm glad it all turned out in the best interest of everyone involved.
Getting all the signatures, a file created, and then the drop-offs I had to make to the title attorney and abstract company, took up nearly my entire morning, so by the time our Noon hour rolled around, all parties including the mortgage lender, were given everything they needed to get the loan process started.
Shortly after I finished having my little snack for lunch, I received another troubling phone call from the dear one who's faced with some life-changing decisions. Today's call was to tell me about some recent correspondence she found which upset her all the more, which prompted me to continue encouraging her to stay strong during the transitions she's facing. I thank the Almighty for her turning to me because there's few if any others whom she trusts enough to share her thoughts and feelings. Thank goodness she's been following thru with the calls I've encouraged her to make, just so she's fully up to speed with what her rights are. Now that she's been in contact with professionals who've given solid answers to the questions that have been eating away at her, I'm all the more confident she'll get thru it. Unbeknownst to her, I'll be checking up on her every day or two, just to make sure she's remains on track, because I know she truly appreciates any and all self-less guidance she gets from me.
That phone call today was another wake-up call regarding all the many seniors who're being subjected to elder-abuse in one form or another. Thank goodness she's finally seeing the light and'll soon out from under it all. The most unfortunate thing about her situation, is the fact that she's been one of the most loving and forgiving people I've ever met, and to have such evil things handed to her at the advanced stage of her life, makes my blood boil.
I've found it always helpful to share one's own dark periods, just so they understand that things can and will get better, as long as we move forward and not look back on things that cannot be changed, which is why I brought up the subject of the 'tribe of nine' who in more ways than one, attempted to pull me so far down a dark hole, and only because of their core jealousies. I'm sure if I confronted each and every one of them, they'd be completely in denial, and only because they've already re-written their playbooks of past events, and believe me, if someone works hard enough at re-writing their pasts, it actually replaces hard facts, and when that happens, you can debate them until the cows come home, and they'll still insist their re-written pasts are genuine, which is why I've personally closed-out any and all contact with seven of them. I told my dear one today how hard it was for me to become indifferent, until I finally realized that as long as I wish them well, along with them staying as far away from me as possible, then it's just fine by me going forward, and believe me, I'm a much better person for it. Yes, I could tell the little sharing I did regarding my personal life, helped to bring her more into balance, and especially when knowing such things do happen to others.
In my office mail today, I received the most touching 'thank you' note from a couple who've been clients and customers of mine for well over twenty years, which definitely became the highlight of my day. Yes, it gave me the warmest feeling when knowing they actually went out of their way to purchase a card and pen those terribly kind words. I'll have to send them an email thanking them, because in these selfish times, it's more of a rarity to get a card of thanks. I actually took the above photo of it for tonight's, just as a reminder to us all that a soulful 'thank you' given, is worth its weight in gold.
While on the phone with my dear friend today, she proceeded to tell me what a riot it's been with those sunflower heads filled with seeds which I delivered to her this past Friday. From the sounds of it, every squirrel in the neighborhood has been vying for a chance to grab as many as they can before another gets them. Like just about all other animals, there's always the established 'pecking order' where the more aggressive and stronger, always seem to get the most, which in these times, seems to've moved over to our general public where decorum is out the window and those who pound their fists and scream the loudest, get the most money-generating publicity, which we all know has become a fact of life.
Tonight's One-liner is: I don't care how much you don't like me, because the last time I checked, the road to heaven wasn't running thru your backyard.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/11/14/worth-its-weight-in-gold/