The worst terrorist attack - 9/11 2001 by Al Quayda - revisited . (Rev. Nov. 2021 )

The worst terrorist attack - 9/11 2001 by Al Quayda - revisited . (Rev. Nov. 2021 )

An abridged excerpt of an upcoming section of a book already published named Success : The US Presidents : ….. ISSN 2466-670X ( 2015-2021 ) . Nothing of this publication may be printed , reprinted , reproduced , copied or divulged ( via the internet or electronic means ) , even for educational purposes , without the written permission of the author ( PCP , Eendracht 18/1 , B – 2060 Europe ; [email protected] ). c. 2015-2021 PCP. ( Xeylon LLC / LT1 LLC )

(Oct 21 IV : I recently did watch the immense movie "13 HOURS " ,- which however lauds the CIA erroneously - , about the killing of the then US Ambassador in BENGHAZI , Lybia , in 2012 , whereby the CIA bully in charge - "BOB" - apparently did not allow US military intervention - , and a documentary commissioned by BUSH JR (Legacy Foundation ) apparently , about his behavior on 9-11 , in which he bestows big honors on himself as "taken the right decisions " , a documentary also bestowed too much honors here . Apart from the fact that BUSH JR was reading children′s books in a children′s school in FL that morning , it is so odd that , during that morning , the news came from the CIA that the 9-11 hijackers were on a CIA WATCHLIST for a long time ; that is apparently true ; so how could they commit the terrorist attack ? Where is the solid proof the foreknowledge at the CIA and the BUSH JR. GOVERNMENT , apart from that "CIA WATCHLIST " ????? )

This article has been written based on the book above by SUMMERS , The Congressional 9/11 Report ( with the 28 pages originally withheld by BUSH II , released in 2016 ) , this confusing overview , this splendid report about AL QUAYDA , this illuminating book by the author KLAUS BENDER and this Norwegian work , with the CLEAN OSTEND website . Additional material was found in Nov 2021 .

ITALY is very important in the emergence of the HIJACK/TERRORISM PLOT , since SUMMERS reveals that two Yemeni terrorists were discussing the plot in August 2001 at Bologna Airport ( SUMMERS , page 303 ) , such while a Pakistani had been recruited in London ( NIAZ KHAN ) to participate in the same plot after training in Pakistan ( page 302 ) . ( Oct 2021 ) NIAZ KHAN was involved in a subsequent bombing plot in the UK and the US involving as many as 12 especially Afghani and Pakistani individuals arrested in 2009-2010 . That case involved an FBI legat who testified as to documents seized in 2009 at BIN LADEN ′s compound in Pakistan . Those terrorist are involved at this time ( Sept - Oct 2021 ) , walking and living in Antwerp in my area /building , in redundant dresses and sandals , involved in sexual injury and TOD ( also known as "KA" ) . Just recently 9 individuals were arrested in Eindhoven , the Netherlands , related to the local AL FOURQAAN/FURQUAN MOSQUE ( Tunesians , Afghanis , Moroccans , Algerians ) earlier involved in terrorist activity .

The MOSQUE was also involved with MOHAMMED ATTA , one of the 9-11 terrorists , via a Moroccan named MOUNIR EL-MOTASSADEQ in Hamburg . The financing of the Eindhoven Mosque is documented .

It appears that the Antwerp police , who received more than 30 million Euros to do "anti-terrorism " from "SANTA CLAUS " JAN JAMBON , when federal Minister of the Interior , never does it′s job to detain and deport all terrorists , and that PAUL VAN TIGCHELT , who did lead the anti-terrorist Belgian Government office known as OCAD ( it′s French abbreviation ) , and who belongs to the "criminal " VLD , till moving in 2020 to the Cabinet of con VAN QUICKENBORNE (VLD ) , never did his job .

In the middle of the night , Sept 26-27 2021 , I sit again intentional Russian (Catholic - Jesuit con CIA - WILLIAM BARR ??? ) criminal damage as technical head pain , crazy radio ( bankster ) "hear " and sexual injury .

As to the Netherlands , the true critique is that the cons allowed too many terrorists to become Dutch citizen ( huge treason ) , that the police does too little or nothing in "anti-terrorist investigations " , which is then a pretext for a far too liberal "judiciary " to declare solid AIVD investigations "inadmissable" .

As to the Netherlands as well as Belgium applies that all those intentionally incompetent cons have to be "immediately sacked for treason " ( which is a valid reason , but which needs to be demonstrated , provable ) . Several persons have to be sacked for treason .

As to the ongoing abuse : it is certain that the Soviet agents ( also playing Catholic -Jesuit ) created a kind of libel/slander drunken bar banter , on the basis of which the same Soviet agents always do me physical , technical harm , for several decades already . In fact , that intentional damage is highly criminal , treason and terrorism .

It appears also that the plot to use flight/pilot trainees already existed by 1993 , just like the 1998 bombings of the US Embassies in Kenia and Tanzania were brewing since 1993 .

As mentioned elsewhere , one BORIS BIRSHTEIN started a company named WORLD WIDE AVIATION CONSULTING, which apparently in name has a flight/pilot training center in Italy .

Moreover , a number of relevant "pilots" , TOKOPH , SANGUE , RIIS did remain for some time in Italy , diversifying their strange business to the US , OSTEND and AFRICA .

In that latter segment , the company SEAGREEN ( run by TOKOPH till 1996 ) was involved with the Bulgarian Russian KGB company KINTEX in sending Russian arms to Africa , and has been mentioned to transport Russian weapons , drugs , diamonds and banknotes , inter alia for AL QUAYDA . TOKOPH also runs a company named AVIATION CONSULTANTS (AVICON ) INTERNATIONAL , and from 1996-2000 , one AERO ZAMBIA . There would be a relation in Ostend with AVICON CONSULTANTS founded and run by Pakistanis .

The running of real or counterfeit banknotes to "rulers" in Africa involved also another company , ACS , once active in Ostend since 1997 and earlier in Moscow ( still today one SERGEY VEKHOV , from the Russian Air Force , since 1995 ) , as indicated by BENDER ( personal bank note transports to MOBUTU ) . But those went via one KHANAFFER, (Lebanese ; company EGIMEX , transfered in 1999 to one ROY DHANIEL DAHS , INDIA , by AHMAD , who also registered ALPHA ALPHA NV at the same accountant address- JEF DILLEN / RAF PEETERS / MIREILLE HELSEN , Nijlen , with as only remaining since 2010 : HASSAN AHMAD - Aartselaar , apparently the one born in 1957 in Sierra Leone ) especially via ARGENTINA ( CICCONE ) . KHANAFFER was close in those corrupt ( EGIMEX) affairs with AHMAD - NASSOUR - OSAILLY , the Lebanese - Pakistani AL QUAYDA operatives in Antwerp .

( Nov 2021 ) The same AHMAD family , this time as Lebanese "art dealer " NAZEM AHMAD , was put on the US TREASURY SANCTIONS LIST in 2019 , for financing HEZBOLLAH , thereby proving a solid link between AL QUAYDA and HEZBOLLAH . It is to be noted that AHMAD for years banked with the corrupt and now defunct ANTWERP DIAMOND BANK , which was absorbed by the KREDIETBANK GROUP , where it would linger on .

The terrorist criminal AL QUAYDA web woven in Antwerp and abroad is even more clearly explained in the work of Global Witness . It is clear there that a Pakistani terrorist AL QUAYDA operative as SIDDIQUI traveled with a Lebanese passport in the name of one SHAHIN in June 2001 between the AHMAD -NASSOUR-OSAILLY offices in Antwerp , AL QUAYDA in Liberia/Sierra Leone and Pakistan ( Karachi /Quetta ) .

In mid June the al Qaeda operative arrived to audit the books. The Liberian visa waiver form is dated 16 June 2001 and is made out to Ms Feriel Shahin, claiming Lebanese nationality.151As with Mohammed and Ghailani’s visa forms, Shahin came as the guest of Bah who had given the completed visa waiver form to Abdullah. The form was apparently faxed to Quetta in Pakistan.137/uuWhile in Monrovia, Shahin met with Eddie Kanneh, the person then responsible for transferring the RUF’smoney and diamonds, and the RUF’s spokesman,Gibril Massaquoi, presumably as part of this financial investigation. Prior to her arrival in Liberia Shahin apparently spent several days in the office of ASA Diam in Antwerp.137

In late June 2001 Shahin left Liberia along with Ghailani and Mohammed. Pakistani intelligence sources have confirmed that the three travelled back to Afghanistan in late June 2001, via Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi,Pakistan, where they stayed in a hotel for a few days, and then onto Quetta and over the borderto Afghanistan, where their trail was lost.15

Also Israeli ( Russian ) arms traders were delivering to the AL QUAYDA network as ZOLLER-YELLINEK , be it via the state of Florida :

In late 2000, Nassour had contacted an old Israeli friend of his from the DRC, Shimon Yelenik,who was an arms dealer based in Panama. Yelenik was the former head of security for the Zairian dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.142

In turn, Yelenik contacted a colleague of his, Ori Zoller, the owner of a private Guatemalan arms dealership, Grupode Representaciones Internationales (GIR SA).Zoller, also an Israeli citizen, was a representative of a company called Israeli Military Industries(IMI), and a former member of the Israeli military special forces and intelligence.141Documents and emails show how the complicated arms shipments were to be arranged ;

On 2 January 2001 at 6.04 a.m., Yelenik emailed to Zoller:‘Dear Ori,This is an order that our friend in Africa need. Please send me your price list and if it is available in your stock. Please call me – they need it very urgent’

Such matters since it is interlinked with a monstrous weapons trade affair involving FN LIEGE ; KINTEX RUSSIA-BULGARIA ( see above : TOKOPH - SEAGREEN 1996 OSTEND ) which became murders in Belgium as off 1985 , misleadingly known as "BENDE VAN NIJVEL " , of knowledgeable participants in then U.N.-EMBARGOED/FORBIDDEN LEBANESE WEAPONS TRADES , out of ports /airports in Belgium since about 1980 .

One of the murder teams was two ex-state "policemen " , the Moroccan MADANI BOUHOUCHE and the Russian military man ROBERT BEIJER ( believed to be in Thailand ) . Almost proving AHMAD to be also deeply involved in that weapons trade which completely went " out of hand " , those two murderers came to the AHMAD offices in Antwerp on September 2 , 1989 , to kill one ( ALI SULEYMAN AHMAD ) and to seriously hurt another ( ALI SAIF AHMAD , born 1959 Lebanon ) . Because they were involved in that deadly illegal weapons trade affair ...

( To be continued ) .


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