The worst service from #FNB, ever...
Christine "Nomonde" Nxumalo
#MentalHealthActivist | #SocialJusticeActivist | #HumanRightsMatters | Communications | CommunityRelations | StakeholderRelations | CampaignManagement | StrategicPlanning | Monitoring & Evaluation
I want to report fraud by #FNB. On the 13th October 2019, I had R1000 in my account and was stopped by the JMPD in Woodmead and had to pay R500. I then transferred R1000 from my Savings account to my Smart Account in order to pay for my Woolworths transaction of R1437.80, which was reserved and a balance of R61 was registered via the in contact, which meant it was taken out of my account and I had no access to it.
On the 16th October 2019, I had R2880 in my account and I was expecting an #FNBLife Debit order for R2395 to be processed, but instead the Woolworths transaction went off my account again and left a negative balance on my SMART Account.
I called FNB on 0875754653 (2) at 09:00 for 50 minutes & the call was dropped and again at 10:05 and that call was dropped again because the consultants and Managers are not happy that I do not accept their explanations... one of the ladies is Ms S. Gontshi.
This has happened twice before. It is unacceptable and this affects my banking profile and to use an excuse that Sunday transactions do not reflect on my statement is not my problem.
#FNB has deducted the Woolworths transaction twice from my account (R1437.80) from my account and made similar mistakes before, which leaves me in arears and with my profile damaged. And yet I made absolutely sure that I transfer additional funds from my savings account to cover all debit orders.
#FNB, #FNBFuckedUpService, #JacquesCelliers, #FNBCEO, #FNBCustomerServices