The worst SAP HANA trouble, Follow-up
What problems did they ?encounter?
?Some articles reported the following
"When they switched to the new system, the inventory in the system did not match the actual inventory.
?So, they assigned people to correct the data and make adjustments. But they couldn't do it to chilled products because the chilled products have a short shelf life and they can't hold a lot of inventory."
I will add a few more specifics.
Glico was delivering chilled products to probably thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of retailers nationwide for next-day according to their previous day orders.
Chilled products have a short shelf life and require storage facilities to keep them cold, so cannot be stocked in large quantities.
Glico has an inventory of one or two days based on forecasts,?
need to manufacture several thousand orders (hundreds of thousands of units) in about half a day,?
distributes them to warehouses of retailers, or retailers in half a day.
As a result, the system is required to process several million tasks in one day.?
If the numbers in the system are wrong
If there is no extra inventory available?
Even if Glico assigned hundreds of people to check and correct the shipping/delivery orders, they could not finish in a day.
?When will they ship again?
Japanese food company,Glico, announced that it will reopen some of its suspended products on June 25. This means that most products could not be shipped for three months.