The Worst Gift I've Ever Received
Are you all gifted-out just yet?
When I turned 21, my parents called me into their bedroom and gave me an expensive necklace.
It would be the best and worst gift I would ever receive.
I gazed at the necklace felt overwhelmed. I cried.
Tears of joy?
Deep, ugly, shaky uncontrollable sobbing.
I felt SO incredibly unworthy to receive this gift.
And my poor parents sat stunned watching my breakdown.
I wasn’t upset that Mom and Dad spent the money because I knew they wouldn’t have if they were short of cash.
And, they were reassuring me it was OK; after all, it was a milestone birthday.
“21 and Fun”…yep, that was me..
Parading around the planet pretty damn proud of my badass self…
>I had a college degree and a job in my field as a radio news reporter.
> I had the unwavering love and support of family and friends.
> I was tooling around in a 1981 silver Camaro with an East Coast attitude to match.
Life on the outside looked pretty good.
The inside, though, was a hot mess.
And the necklace represented how “unspecial” I felt around receiving such a gift:
??The self-loathing
??The low self-esteem
??The “I’m not worthy” to receive this gift
My poor parents; giving me this lovely necklace without smiles, appreciation and grace.
But it turns out that the necklace brought me the real gift I needed.??
I had to do the inner work and figure out why I had these deep-rooted feelings of not being good enough.
And, more importantly, how to change so I could step into my potential, talents and true gifts.
I had to learn how to shut down the negative self-talk and old stories that looped relentlessly in my head.
It took a long-ass time; I will not kid you.??
There were so many tears??
A few therapists??
And one lightbulb moment that shook me to my core:
There’s nothing wrong with me, and there never was.??
This message—this one-liner—was the “invisible” gift that didn’t come in a pretty box.
It was the gift of self-discovery, self-respect and self-confidence that only I could give myself.
And, above all, I had to be ready to receive the gift of ME.
And I was.
I DECIDED it was my turn.
Ever since the necklace debacle, I made a conscious choice to invest in ME.
To learn how to re-train my brain (trust me, the way I do it now has ZERO to do with therapy!) so that I can rewrite my self-defeat story into one brimming with pride, humility and self-love.
What a freaking gift that I’ve given to myself!
So, as we experience gift-giving and holidays, I’ve noticed lots of entrepreneurs are fast to invest in others.
Piano lessons. PlayStations. Pilates classes online.
That’s all good, but…
What gift do YOU NEED FROM YOU to feel whole, deserving and worthy?
What story do you need to let go of in 2020 so you can finally step into your potential in the New Year?????
Hint: It’s not about hiring a copywriter or marketing coach, silly.
You simply need to invest in YOU because You are the Message.
You are your own Story!
Give yourself the damn gift!
??Maybe you worry others will judge you and say you’re selfish
??Or you believe you don’t have enough money, time, energy…one and on
?? Maybe you simply need to prioritize YOU + your resources instead of binge-watching Schitt’s Creek or over-tipping the Door Dash person.
Let’s get real: If someone needed shoes or the car broke down, you’d figure it out.
Look, people pick up on your energy.
When you don’t have the sales, lead gen or money for ads…it’s YOU who is “off.”
??Plain truth.
SEO can’t save your ass.
It’s STORIES that will save your ass.
Stories will save your business because your words wield power.
It’s the stories that we tell ourselves of being worthy of our prices, value and talents.
If YOU don’t believe YOU…no one else will.
You’ve got to feel worthy enough to rewrite your story and talk about yourself online and in-person.
“Winging it” doesn’t work.
You've gotta feel comfortable talking about your journey and accomplishments in a way that attracts your ideal clients.
In a way that LIGHTS YOU UP.
Most of the time, I’ve found that it takes a fresh lens to figure out the pieces of your story that you should be sharing…and the parts to leave out.
I call it the “Agony of Delete” and it’s my zone of brilliance.
I can spot the seemingly small nuances where your words may be “off.”
??It’s what allowed my client Maria to go from a new entrepreneur with ZERO clients to 23 new clients during the Pandemic.
?? It’s what allowed my client Ted to meet his revenue goal of $1 Million in 2020!
??It’s what allowed my client Heidi to grow her coaching business by 40% this year, the biggest growth in business since she started six years ago.
It’s also where my clients get their biggest breakthroughs—both with their internal stories AND how they tell their stories to prospects who can buy and refer friends.
On Jan. 4, we'll begin the new round of my Story Magnets Ultra class.
It’s about how you finetune your internal story first and “think you can” so you can NAIL your 30-second introduction.
It’s about how you respond when your dream client says “Tell me about yourself” ...and you always have...
? The right words
? In the right order
? At the right time
? For the right people
??Nothing is more powerful than your story.
It's the perfect gift to give yourself as you look forward to an incredible New Year.
If you’d like to join me, message me and I’ll send you details. Or click here.
Let's do it!