The Worst "F" Word You Will Ever Say!
Stacey Huddleston
Founder | Capital Markets Advisor | Helping High-Growth Companies & PE Firms Secure the Right Capital
How many times each day do you say the "F" word? You know the one! I hear it all day at work, grocery stores, restaurants, and even at my kid's school. This nasty word is being used by young kids and older adults so freely that they may not realize using it. Almost second nature, and it's getting worse! Heck, I bet I heard the "F" word at least 10 times on Christmas Eve at church as people were ushered in. This has gotten out of hand and it makes me sick! I'm not joking. It has to end!
That dirty "F" word diminishes any chance of enjoying a meaningful conversation with those genuinely interest in you. I mean, why would they dare to talk to you anymore if you're constantly throwing the "F" word at them right? The conversation innocently begins with, "Hello, how are you doing today?" as they hold the door. Then you respond with, "FINE". That horrible "F" word is the deadliest word to use when someone expresses interest in your well-being. Why would anyone ever hold the door open for you again, or for than matter, ever ask how you're doing? Maybe next time they won't ask for your opinion for fear you'll use the same depressive expletive used earlier at the door.
When you respond with "FINE", you're really telling the world that you don't have the time nor the energy to chat and you don't care to share a personal connection with anyone. You go on with your self-absorbed life not realizing that you've diminished someone else's curiosity regarding your well-being. Of course, that may not be your intention. But it still hurts. So, stop saying you're fine.
I work to limit my use of "FINE" and replace with words like FANTASTIC, AMAZING, or even DANDY because it makes everyone smile including me when I say it. It's hard to sound anything less than enthusiastic when you say those words and you'll see more people smiling in response. Take time to talk about your day, ask about theirs, and live in the moment. I get it, we live busy lives. But we should be considerate of how that dirty "F" word negatively impacts those around us.
The last time I felt dandy was when I caught my nephew picking a bear's nose. A moment that makes me smile every time I think of that fun day. That toddler chose to pick a bear's nose when many of us would've sat on the bench pretending to be fine. He fed the bear its boogies and I smiled, once again feeling dandy.