The worst enemy in our EFL classrooms
Mentor de Professores de Inglês | Experiência de 35 anos como Professor de Inglês | Te ensino a dar uma aula de inglês inesquecível.
Students are delicate people. Students deserve care, dedication and all our attention. Indiviuals trying to learn English never know beforehand what they are supposed to face in an EFL classroom. Different coursebooks, teachers with a myriad of visions on what learning is about.Well; then, Does it all depend on luck on the student′s part?
I'd say YES and NO!
Of course, a little bit of luck is always welcome, don't you think? Ok, it′s not always the case, though! That's why students need to develop a benefitial "suspicion" as to the kind of message that has been delivered to them.
The HOW is crucial. It is much more important than the HOW MUCH. Lots of input being transmitted in a whole bunch of information, with multiple associated elements will probably make students confused and frustrated
Every year, the ELT editorial market announces new coursebook titles for the teaching of English as Foreign Language - EFL: the same material is thought to be used by teachers in Asia, Europe and/or South America. The problem is; what works for a student in China, for instance, does not necessarily work for a Brazilian learner of English.
A clearer example of the moment in which frustration dominates the scene is when teachers try to explain grammar topics containing multiple, varied elements, in a rather superficial way. Even worse, when the amount of input comes in a speed and rhythm the human brain is not able to stand, or absorb.
Bottom line is: students should bear in mind that, when they feel something is not going right in their learning, this "something" might be a failure which stems from the teacher′s way of dealing with the issue, rather than the learner's possible deficiency.
Teachers! Watch out for the coursebook material you′ve got in your hands. Understand it, adapt it to your student′s reality. The more attentive you are to that, the higher are the chances of doing away with frustration between you and your students!