Worshipping god on particular day
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Well, it is of common knowledge that each day of the week is assigned to God, and most of the worships occur on that particular day for that particular God. It is highly unlikely that the God chose this is my day, because logically all days are equal for every God, as are all people. My understanding of this arrangement is that each day the frequencies greatly vary. A different frequency is strong every day of the week.
Our Ancestors have decoded what these frequencies are, and set aside a symbolic representation for them in the form of Monday for Shiva, Tuesday for Ganesh/Hanuman, Wednesday for Vishnu, Thursday for Guru (popularly Sai baba), Friday for Lakshmi, and Saturday Shani/Hanuman, and Sunday for the Sun. Also, planetary influences on each day are different, some being high and some being low.
Depending on which frequency you want the most of, you could worship that God on that particular day. For example, Most of the mind wavering and lack of focus is caused because of different vibrations of moon. To set it right praying to Shiva on Monday improves your focus. The mantras have been designed as such. To bring all the different energies in your body into harmony.
Many feel that there is no such thing called one has to be worshipped on a specific day. This is only a devotee's convenience to pray to several forms to appease himself and be happy with the idea that he has been able to pray to several forms of Lord.
Coming to the day names, according to the Astrology, there are 'Horas' for each planet (7 planets excluding Rahu and Ketu) and the day where 1st Hora belongs to the Sun is called Sunday. In a day there are 27 Horas and every hour the Hora keeps changing. Thus, after 24 hours, the 1st Hora on 2nd day of the week belongs to Moon and hence it was named Monday and so on.
Ideally, we should worship the deity our family has been worshipping (Kul Devata/Kula Daivatam) every day without fail. No scripture endorses that Lord Shiva has to be worshipped only on Monday and so on. When it is said that a specific day is God's favorite, it is Devotee's liking that he chose to worship that form on that specific day.
?We don't know the reason behind it, but maybe a pandit wiser than me can explain why it is so. I have a feeling that it may just be to encourage people to pay extra attention to the Lord on one particular day of the week, thus increasing their attachment to the Lord, but I may be wrong. The pujaris in Mayapur treat the Lord the same every day.
A few believe that Shri Hanumanji is associated with Tuesdays because: Whenever anybody is faced with any problem due to planets Hanumanji is remembered specially for Mangal and Shani planets that is why special pooja on Tuesday and Saturday is there in our culture. They were born on this day (Chaitra maas Purnima). They are known as Mangal murti (one who gives happiness) that’s another reason why pooja on Tuesdays (Mangalwar) are done. They are red in colour and mars (Mangal) is also called the red planet.
A true devotee doesn't know any Tuesday or Saturday, morning or night, any rules or regulations, for them there is their prabhu and them that’s it, they don't care about anything else even eclipse or sutak caused by any birth or death because death and birth is a continuous ,infinite cycle of this mortal universe and their devotion is eternal towards their prabhu…if you have made this far, i would like to request you to please read the following important message and share it if possible:
Namaste ?? Kishore Shintre. Love your message. All days are good days and we should align our prayers accordingly. Since we have been taught, Monday is for Shiva, it may not be so easy. We need to change our mindset. Have an amazing day.??