Worship is meant exclusively for the deities. Every act of worship is a ritual that opens the worshipper's soul for the deity to possess, and whatever we worship will control our soul, and rule over us. In other words, we become servants to whatever we worship. Ultimately, people evolve into the image of the deity they worship.

In a CNN interview with Michael Smerconish on 30th December 2023, Professor Robert Sapolsky, a Professor of Biology, Neurology and Neurosurgery at Standford University spoke about his scientific research, which has led to the conclusion that humans have no free will. Professor Sapolsky is partially right. Humans have free will. However, human free will is limited to choosing the deity to worship. Once that choice is made, everything runs on autopilot, according to the dictates of the deity they chose. And there are only two mutually exclusive deities to choose from: The deity of Sin and the Deity of Righteousness.

The book, NECTAR FOR THE DEITIES: DECODING THE DNA OF SIN, is a fusion of theology, science, and metaphysics to create an empirical framework for our understanding of the spiritual laws of nature and how they influence us through worship.

Here are some of the poignant issues this book addresses that will blow your mind:

■???? What constitutes worship? You will know how our world is being shaped and redefined through worship.

■???? Where did Sin come from? Did God create Man with sinful flesh? You will learn about the spiritual and organic evolution of Sin and its ramifications.

■???? Science does not acknowledge the existence of the spirit; Christianity says humans are “spirit beings.” This book will tell you why they are both wrong.

■???? What is the identity crisis all about? This book points you to the source of your identity using the Periodic Table of Elements. The question of identity no longer requires heuristic theological or philosophical answers. Chemistry can now answer that question empirically.

■???? What happened in the Garden of Eden? This book replaces the myth of “eating the forbidden fruit” with a scientific explanation of what took place in the Garden of Eden.

■???? Indeed, Jesus has paid for our sins with His blood. But who received the payment? You will learn the mystery of blood sacrifice and the paradox of payment for Sin will open the door for you to understand the judicial process in the Court of Heaven.

■???? Understanding the spiritual laws of sin and their implications will free you from the curse of the law of sin and death as well as the condemnations of men.

■???? You will understand why no human being can repent from Sin and why it is not your responsibility to do so.

■???? You will know why the devil contended with archangel Michael over the body of Moses.

■???? You will know how the Law of Aggravation of Sin and the Law of Intensification of Righteousness work.

■???? Contrary to the generally accepted doctrine, Jesus is not our Trespass offering; He is our Sin Offering only. You will get the proof here.

■???? What is the “Ionization” of the flesh? You will know why the Ionization of the flesh is your Trespass Offering.

■???? You will understand the role and significance of the three Heavens and their impacts on you.

■???? Decoding the DNA of Sin will reveal why certain things happen to certain people.

■???? The flood of Noah did not wipe off the Nephilim. They continued to exist after the flood. Where did they disappear to and where are they now?

■???? Who are the X beings? This book unveils and unravels the mystery of the X beings.

■???? What is the New Age Theology? The stage is being set for rendezvous with the deities. Another “Tower of Babel” is in the offing.

■???? The “Man of Sin” and the “mystery of iniquity” unveil the manifestation of Sin in human form,

The time is short, the situation is dire. Get your copy now!

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