Worse than communism
Thomas Chow
Circulatory System Improvement Pain solution for more info go to ucsipainsolution.com
It is sad for a country that claim they’re democratic, freedom, free speech and promoting their evangelical belief. But today, their elected stupid, cunning and madness (Scam) president and the elected evangelical political part allow their supporter using the influence of their own control media outlet to spread political fake news which is worse than the communism.
Their local broadcast networks drew national attention in March, after dozens of television and anchors across the country recited an identical speech warning that some outlets are promulgating "biased and false news" in order to "push their own personal bias." "This is extremely dangerous to our democracy," the script read.
Soon that country will become a new communism country from a democratic powerful country. All because of greed, power and Blood money that people will do anything to achieve their goals, such as trade war, immigration policy, gun control policy and racism policy etc. This is worse than the dictator of the world history.
Thank God. Today some of the real communism country are better off than this so called democratic evangelical country. They are not only abusing the name of their GOD and humiliating their GOD so badly. No wonder why God Is Crying (GIC), (Check it out under the categories of Opinions, Religious theory and Theories section for the God Is Crying), or Double standard and MGM (under the categories of Opinions, Religious theory and Theories section)
Written by Thomas Chow Read more at www.ucsipainsolution.com