Worse Pathological Governance – Pakistani PWDs
Worse Pathological Governance – Pakistani PWDs

Worse Pathological Governance – Pakistani PWDs

State or country usually has been providing its best available resources to their citizen for spending happy and healthy life with integrity, respect, dignity, honor and vision. Governments or administrative governing setup of hosting country is always responsible to formulate, implement and execute the established governing policies and procedures. Every government has their own plan of actions for governing the countries, but they had never tried to ignore or violate the basic rights of each segments of their citizens or legal residents by working on mandatory clause of their law, that people should be treated fairly and equally under the law. The government has always ensure and monitor the law implementation in all government and non-government departments or organizations.

The People with Disabilities (PWDs) are the important segments of population that has naturally or accidentally deprived off their nature gifted organs or systems. They have usually been spending their lives under many challenges and problems since their childhoods, as of disability or permanent diseases. Most of them can’t have enough physical, mental and body power like normal persona healthy. PWDs might have a need of some extra-facilitation by the government or people around them. The most civilized and developed countries had already been complying with laws that they had formulated for the PWDs and they are profoundly ensuring and monitoring them regularly. Every PWD case in these countries had been facilitated with most latest and convenient gadgets or helping aid devices provided by governments or their non-government organizations.

The PWDs cases in Pakistan estimated near to more than 5% of total populations, but there is significant increase in the rate of PWDs in last three decades. There are valid chances, PWDS in Pakistan might be more than 7% of the total populations. The PWDs in Pakistan has been facing a serious issue in getting their valid and legal very basic rights for education, medical-rehabilitation, transportation, hearing-aid and etc. The people in power and government had never fulfilled their utmost or immediate needs of PWDs in all past governance regimes. The most dangerous aspect had been the worse treatment by Pakistani people and their pathetic sense of humor towards the PWDs. This worse society behavior had been building a barrier for PWDs growth, courage and motivation.

On the other hands, influential people had been in practice to appoint their relatives or some else who had paid bribery to them on the quota fixed for PWDs initially, it was 1 %, then It became 2% and now it is 3%. It means, Pakistan government should need to ensure the appointment of Disable person on the quota fixed for PWDs, but, we are in shocked to know, Pakistan Government had never appointed a single PWD person on the top ranked government positions. The problem was not the competence or qualification of disable applicant, the problem was a bad people hired on the top-positions that had violated the law. In view of Pakistani law, there are around 3 PWDs person hired in any department that have 100 workforce. The question arise here, how many of us has seen the PWDs holding positions in all governments or non-governments organizations.  This negligence at government level had been increasing the pain of PWDs.

This shameful, inhuman and brutal act of Pakistani government must to be stopped by all stakeholder across the world, government should take strict actions against the head of departments or organizations who are running their business against the law. They should immediately need to be rusticated and punished under the law, must build a monitoring system that have ability to track and monitor the facilities provided to the PWDs in all organizations. There are abundant real cases exists in Pakistani educational institutions, where PWDs person are being demoralized, as these institutions are not providing the very helping aids to the PWDs in view of their disability that is against the world human rights law or United Nations Charters.

Government of Pakistan should need to pay the special attention towards the implementation of its policies and laws starting from its own government departments. It should need to ensure to have more than 3 persons with disabilities in any department where the staff workforce is around 100 or on pro-rate bases. The strict implementation in government department will motivate the other private and international organizations to follow and implement this law in their organizations. Otherwise, Pakistan will lose the potential source of human capital, this leads our beloved country towards the destabilization and anarchy.   

There is nothing useless thing created in this universe by the Creator, how Person with Disabilities (PWDs) can be unworkable in Pakistan. The jeweler can identify the real cost of gems not ordinary person, the gems (PWDs) are ready to perform and serve this country, that a normal person might had not able to think to empower, employ and develop them.


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