SOMETIMES WE WORRY A PROBLEM TO DEATH...we put more effort into pulling it to pieces than trying to find the right solution...we seem to be conditioned to do just that.
When things are not working out, in the midst of the problem, we should try to pin point how all this has happened & try to stop the fears otherwise we will only feel worse.
And of course, when others tell us everything will be okay...that only makes us more upset & angry. So what we need to do is to gather our facts, brace ourselves for the worst, then plant some seeds of what we feel needs to be done ...then let go! By removing ourselves out of the problem...we can relax , then move past this by accepting there is nothing more we can do Time to move on to the next.
Love to all. Please click on my website to help keep me up on the page!
Psychic Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo
Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo Ph 0418 871 135
Personal Consultations, Psychic Readings, Clairvoyance, Medium, Counselling