If you try to control everything and them worry about the things you can't control,you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of furstration and misery. Don't give up all of your hard work will pay off,stick with what you'er doing no matter how hard it gets. After many years in my life you cannot change someone who dosent see issues in their actions.(Teddy Roosevelt)"Complaining about a problem without a solution is called whining." I have learned from the School Of Hard Knocks also called the Asphalt Highway, that 10% of conflict is due to the difference in opinion and 90% is due to delivery and tone of your voice. Explaning your anbger isttead of expressing it, you will find many solutions instead of arguments this way.
I am so thankful for all those difficult people in my life,they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be. I now know that my bad attitude presented a lot of trouble and a learning expereince for many of my supervisors in the department I worked for. I remember stopping a diginatary's family member from this city for a MVC Violation, I was transfered for my actions. But I learned from this experience that a bad attitude in life is like traveling as far as you can travel on a flat tire you can only go so far untill you have to change it. I did and happy I did. I am still traveling on tires that are full of happiness and air.
As Law Enforcement Officers we have to forgive ourselfs for not knowing what we didn't know before we learned it. (Albert Einstein) "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we use to create them." There ar six things that i take the blame for me still being on this earth,they are all part of we need to survive: (1) Before we pray Belive (2) Before we speak Listen (3) Before we spend Earn (4) Before we act Think (5) Before we quit Try (6) Before we pass on Live. Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but it's worse to regret that we did give up. Coca-Cola only sold 25 bottles of it's product in it's first year of operation. The company never gave up.
If we stumble we get up, what happened yesterday no longer matters.Today is another day ,we have to get back on track closer to our goals, to our dreams. We can do it. We all can cry,moan, whine, lement,grumble and complain. But we have to go on, nothing worth having comes easy.
(Saint Patrick of Ireland) " As I rise today may the strength of GOD (Creator) pilot me, God Uphold me. The widsom of GOD guideme. May the Eye of GOD Look before me,the ear of GOD hear me,the word of GOD speak for me. May the hand of GOD protect me, the sheild of GOD protect me. GOD beside me, behind me, above me, and beneath me. My GOD be in the hearts of everyone who thinks of me, when I lie down or sit, when i sleep or arise. Amen."
Peace and All Good. Sisters and Brothers.
RPPD #5376