WORM is a Wonderful Opportunity to Really Matter.
To WORM into is to wriggle, squeeze, and enter through a crack, to find a way in where there was not a clear, straight wide-open path.
We often hear “WORM into” as a negative connotation but isn’t that what it takes to discover new pathways, new ports of entry, new possibilities?
Here are some of the SPLENDIFEROUS WORMs (Wonderful Opportunities to Really Matter) that I have recently figured out or am currently figuring out how to WORM into:
- Connecting with systematic review developers (and consortiums of such groups) to facilitate shared systems and interoperability to help make the great effort currently expended (with much duplication and thus limits on ability to cover the scope of medicine) something that can transform our societal ability to know what we know and know how well we know it
- Connecting with guideline developers (professional associations and governmental bodies) to support guideline development with current, systematically evaluated evidence and guidance (and high-quality efficient methodologies) to develop, update and disseminate guidelines with less duplication of efforts
- Connecting with clinical decision support (CDS) developers (both those doing this on a large scale for others and those at single institutions doing this for local needs) to support CDS development with current, systematically evaluated evidence and guidance (and high-quality efficient methodologies) to develop and update CDS with less duplication of efforts – CDS is guideline development and implementation in the electronic and localized context
- Connecting with journal editors to develop new methods of scholarly publication to support the interface of connecting with systematic review, guideline, and CDS developers
- Connecting with decision aid developers to facilitate our efforts to provide Well Informed Shared Decision Making (WISDM).
- Connecting with individuals to help them find roles that provide Wonderful Opportunities to Really Matter