Here at Hidden Strength we care deeply about mental health and emotional wellbeing. Today is World Suicide Prevention Day and September is a month which focuses on suicide prevention and the need to break down the stigma around suicide/suicidal behaviour.
Increased social isolation and loneliness due to Covid 19 has meant that more people are now experiencing poor mental health and emotional stress. Whether it is you or someone you know that has experienced or is experiencing suicidal thoughts, we are here to help.
This year the international theme is “Creating Hope through Action.” Often, our actions speak louder than our words and when you, or someone you know, is feeling suicidal it can sometimes be difficult to hear the words of support. Taking time to listen and be with someone can make a difference. Take a look at the kind of practical things you can do if you are experiencing thoughts of ending your life or if you know someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts. There is hope, support and there are better times ahead.
On average, a person might experience intense suicidal thoughts for around 24 hours, so keeping yourself safe until the next day comes and seeking help immediately from others is really important. Developing your own safety plan is key to keeping yourself safe as well as sharing your thoughts with trusted people in your life.
The Stay Alive App is a free App available on both Apple and Android and can be used by the person who is suicidal or the friends, peers, colleagues or family members who are concerned about someone who might be considering suicide. Let’s take care of ourselves and each other.
Click this link to access our support pages about suicide: