The World's Worst Boss: A Journey of Self-Management Mishaps
Let's be honest: this whole "be your own boss" thing isn't going as smoothly as the so-called business gurus on LinkedIn, TikTok and Instagram reels had outlined it for me. My reality definitely does not align with what I had envisioned on my vision board.
While the idea of 'self-employment' sounded incredibly liberating, I've discovered that I'm not exactly a natural-born leader, at least when it comes to managing myself. In fact, I'm starting to think I might be the most challenging employee I've ever had.
If I had a manager who mirrored my own self-management style, I'd probably be updating my resume right now. Think about it: I regularly miss my own deadlines, get sidetracked by the most trivial things (did I really need to reorganise my spice rack at 3 PM on a Tuesday?), and my internal monologue can be surprisingly harsh.
It's a wonder I haven't quit on myself already.
The truth is, it's tough to stay on track when you're the only one holding yourself accountable. Some days, my motivation levels are through the roof, and I'm a productivity machine. Other days, I find myself staring blankly at my to-do list, completely overwhelmed, and somehow end up watching documentaries about deep-sea creatures instead of working. The struggle is real.
And then there are those people who seem to have it all figured out. They're the ones who effortlessly juggle multiple projects, maintain a pristine workspace, and still have time for hobbies and a social life. I'll admit, I'm a little envious. How do they do it? It's like they have some secret handbook to self-discipline that I clearly missed out on.
But instead of wallowing in self-pity, I've decided it's time for a change. I need to find a better way to manage myself, one that's built on realistic expectations and a little bit of self-compassion. No more unrealistic deadlines or harsh self-criticism. Instead, I'm focusing on setting achievable goals, building in breaks, and celebrating small victories (like actually responding to emails in a timely manner!).
This journey to becoming a better self-manager won't be easy. There will be days when I stumble, when the allure of procrastination is strong, and when my inner critic is particularly loud. But I'm determined to learn from my mistakes, find strategies that work for me, and maybe, just maybe, become a boss I can actually respect.
So, if you're also navigating the often-bumpy road of self-employment or simply trying to be more productive in your daily life, let's figure this out together.
Let's hare our struggles, swap tips, and remind each other that it's okay to not be perfect. After all, the most important thing is to keep learning, keep growing, and keep striving to be the best version of ourselves—even if it takes a little trial and error.
And maybe a few more coffee breaks than we'd like to admit.
Boss, you've come a long way. But, as they say, miles before you sleep... ??