The world's largest democracy chastises a leader

The world's largest democracy chastises a leader


The world’s largest democracy chastises a leader

The political earthquake that's emerged from India’s General Election is a win for a mature democracy that will keep its representatives honest, writes Pawan Luthra


Much tighter than expected

Pawan Luthra on Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) News, discussing India’s surprise results at the General Election this week, and the possible domestic and international repercussions


Where to be and what to see in June

Scour through our list of what’s happening in your community this month to pick out your weekend activities. By Rajni Luthra


What’s on our screens this month

Sequels. Anticipated third seasons. A spooky thriller. Regional films. Sydney Film Festival. There's plenty on Neeru Saluja watchlist this month


Shanul Sharma, Melbourne-based tenor, who is currently in Berlin preparing to be Mahatma Gandhi in Philip Glass’ opera Satyagraha, to be staged at Staatsoper Hannover in September 2024.

Asha Bhat OAM , CEO of Southern Aboriginal Corporation in Albany WA, who has been named Leader of the Year at the 2024 Women Changing the World Awards.


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