Njeri Karanja
Administrative Virtual Assistant | Executive Support | Customer Satisfaction Specialist| helps professionals and Small Business Owners to handle all their administrative tasks
A complaint is an expression of perceived frustration, discomfort, or harm. It is a process in which you concentrate your attention to the negative. It causes stagnation since, people waste too much of their time and energy thinking about things that did not serve them right.
Why complain?
give?negative?thoughts?and?conversations?greater?weight. This ends up affecting their sanity
They?express?their?distress?to?others?by?complaining,?hoping?to?find?a?solution?once?they?are?acknowledged.?They?assert?that?every?issue?has?a?solution?and?believe?that?the?only?way?to?do?so?is?to?complain. This?lessens?some?of?the?complainer’s?frustrations.
for?attention?or?toxic?people?who?only?propagate?negativity,?but?they?are?caught?in?a?vicious cyle?and?suffer?as?a?result.?They?were?inadvertently?causing?themselves?more?anguish?by?becoming?mired?in?the?complaint.
Complaining cannot be the only strategy in the face of frustration
When something irritates, hurts, or causes discomfort. The initial reaction is usually one of rage or sadness. This is normal. At this point the complaints arise. However, they must move past this stage, and arrive at a point of acceptance and action.
Imagine having an important meeting in town. While driving there, you get stuck in traffic. It's a frustrating situation; you are slowed down, and you might be late. You become irritated and angry. You can curse or complain about the situation, you must accept it is what it is.
How do you curb the situation? Knowing that, you have no control over it, and you can only wait and be patient," you say. "I'll be early next time or go another route,". Then communicate with the involved party(s).
You accept what you can't change and redirect your attention to something else. As in, turning on the radio or music.
However, if you are a complainer, you are unlikely to overcome your initial frustration. You will not consider action or acceptance. You will complain about your bad luck, the negative consequences of being late, and so on.
That constant complaint will feed you frustration. Because of that event, you will cause more pain and remain bitter all day.
The only way to deal with life's unavoidable frustrations is to develop the will to embrace them as a necessary component of existence. The longer you remain in denial, the more difficult it is for you to accept reality, and the more grievances you voice to anyone. If problems are ignored, they will only get worse. People frequently moan because they haven't realized that the circumstance they find themselves in is one they cannot escape. The greatest method to handle any unfavorable circumstance is to accept it for what it is and calmly consider a solution rather than talking about it.
2 年Great read.keep it up Njeri Karanja