Worldpanel's Top Topics in October

Worldpanel's Top Topics in October

What were Worldpanel’s most popular topics in October? This month, we dive into the data behind brand loyalty shifts, wellness trends, and streaming successes. We explore how wellness trends are re-shaping habits worldwide in our latest #WhoCaresWhoDoes Health report. Lastly, how 华特迪士尼公司 's Disney+ secured its #1 spot in new subscriptions in the #UK after Emmy awards success.

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#WhoCaresWhoDoes Health report #DecodingWellness

Globally, people are clear about who holds responsibility for their health: themselves. An emphatic 78% declare their wellbeing is firmly in their own hands. Yet, when it comes to actively nurturing that wellbeing, many appear to fall short. Barely half say they proactively engage with their physical health, and even fewer invest the effort into their mental wellbeing. It’s a revealing an interesting contradiction.

Reach out to Lionel Germain and find out more in our report

Grocery price inflation edges up ahead of autumn budget in the UK

Grocery price inflation increased slightly to 2.0% during the four weeks to 29 September, up from 1.7% last month, according to the latest data from Kantar.? Take-home sales at the grocers grew by 2.0% over the same period. Despite the annual rate of grocery inflation growing, the contest between the grocers to attract shoppers through their doors has seen prices roll back on some essentials.

Read further here

Meet the Nudgeables

In the realm of consumer behaviour, two distinct archetypes tend to be discussed: the steadfast buyers who rarely stray from their preferred brands and the perpetually curious; those who continuously explore new options. While the former group provides a stable base, the latter presents a lucrative opportunity for brand growth. We call them the “Nudgeables.”?

Connect with Natalie Babbage for further insights and access our report here.

Entertainment & Technology

#EntertainmentOnDemand UK: Emmy awards success helps Disney+ to remain #1 in new subscription additions?

Off the back of a hugely successful Emmy awards season, Disney+ held the top spot in terms of new subscriptions added in the third quarter with a 21% share – a position it’s held now for two consecutive quarters since displacing AppleTV+ in Q2 2024. Emmy wins for both FX’sThe Bear and FX’s Shogun, shows which have consistently ranked in the top 10 most enjoyed titles in the UK.

Read the full article here

Prime Video navigates ad launch in Australia without a hitch

After introducing ads to all Prime Video users in Australia in July, unless they upgraded to Ad Free, Amazon has so far navigated the transition with customers relatively smoothly. Churn rates have remained stable at 7% (only bettered by Netflix at 5%) and NPS has even increased slightly on the previous quarter by +3ppts to 17ppts. The successful launch of ads into Prime Video may be due to the light ad load approach, which has gently introduced customers to seeing short ads prior to watching content.

Access the article here

US video streaming hits ceiling in Q3 2024

VoD appears to be reaching its ceiling for spend. Until now, streamers have shown a willingness to pay for additional streaming services, and the average number of services accessed per household, referred to as “stacking”, has consistently grown. In Q3’24, KWP消费者指数 found that stacking of paid streaming has slowed, growing less than 1% in the quarter. This is unusual for the period of time known for television premieres.

Read the full article here

More News

Argentina: The Argentine Consumer: sustaining consumption in times of inflation (Spanish)

Bolivia: The Bolivian shopper responds to the pressures of the macroeconomic environment (Spanish)

Brazil: The delivery market in is the main driver of growth in out-of-home consumption (Portuguese)

CAM: Shopping at multiple types of store is popular in Central America (Spanish)

CAM: How is the Central American shopper purchasing FMCG products? (Spanish)

CAM: FMCG Market Trends: The Dominican Republic leads private label development in Latin America (Spanish)

Colombia: Consumption trends in Colombian kitchens (Spanish)

Ireland: Back-to-school boosts grocery sales in Ireland as shoppers stock up on family favourites

Latam: How is the Latam shopper purchasing consumer goods? (Spanish)

Malaysia: Malaysian Shopper Digest: to go big or go home??

Mexico: Consumers prefer cooking at home as a result of inflation (Spanish)

Peru: Peruvian households prefer to shop close to home (Spanish)

Taiwan: Mid-Autumn BBQ in Taiwan: Top 5 beer brands (Mandarin Chinese)

More news by markets

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