#WorldChildrensDay We Care Community hub launch kids recycling project for the world to copy & go global. recycle -reuse-swap
Ray Barron- Woolford FRSA
Charity CEO .Activist .Author .Playwright Award winning film maker latest film ‘ Afeni Shakur & the trial of the Black Panther 21 ‘ following global success 52 Awards #Liberty Kath Duncan untold struggle 4 civilrights
We Care Food Bank at Kaths Place Deptford Lewisham in South East London has just launched a new recycle
Please support our We Care food bank & community hub at Kath's Place for as little as £1 & Help support our crucial work that gets no government or council funding, plus you could win £25.000 .please also share
Watch our award-winning documentary about our work within the community Feeding Lewisham FoodBanks in crisis?
Click here >>>>?https://youtu.be/WUld7juGwFA
Enjoy our Jerusalema Dance Challenge?
?It Costs We Care £25.000 a year to run this community project, £12.000 rent, then gas, electric, water, insurance, memberships of the different organizations that get us access to cheap food networks, we all are volunteers, and yet this project that gets referrals from Social Services, NHS, GP, Schools, refugee groups, Covid support networks gets NO Council or Government funding every penny is raised through community charity shop and the kindness of strangers who donate through our go fund me page.?https://www.gofundme.com/f/corona-virus-community-support-network
Or you could make a donation monthly or one of us to We Care. Cooperative Bank Lewisham sort code 08-92-99 account number 65659328