The world you live in
Trent Middleton
Independent consultant, Solving the impossible problems every day, contributing to the world in a positive way. Created the unpressedented course into reading behavior, lie detection and all major investigations.
The world in which you live can be altered by how you choose to view it
The world right now is showing you what happens when you create division, fear creates anger and anger creates hate. Live your life your way the way you feel is best for you, if you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else. Over the last 4 years we have seen how much better it was over the previous 4 before that, the reason we are now in this position is most of us believed the main stream media that lied to us all called Hunters laptop Russian disinformation, the lies that got us here will not stop but you can choose to stop believing them and start to uncover the truth for yourself nothing is easier to verify than the truth lies are impossible to verify. To be at your best self emotionally financially and spiritually you need to find a way to live that works the best for you. Needs for essentials and hope and belief did not disappear they still exist please know this, it may not feel like it, but you can change the way you look at the world and choose whether to be affected by it. Do. Not try and live in someone’s else’s path find your own grove or vibration tell the truth do what is right and challenge what is not right without anger, anger is a biproduct of lies frustration division and hate. Be kind be nice and you will create change that is meaningful and lasting rather than believing what your told by those that consider themselves better than you. What seems impossible only seems impossible because of the mindset you’re creating for yourself yes it may be hard but if I just think that every long journey starts with the first step and change will not happen overnight meaningful lasting progress is the result of hard work and a good attitude that shows transparency and doesn’t lie. Live your life the way you want to live it not being told how to live it, freedom and happiness will come when you see the way forward that works best for you and the way you find it is not to be told how to find it,? but to live it the best you can acknowledge mistakes, help and encourage others and no matter how terrible things seem you can allow them to effect you in whatever way you choose to let them, you may not be able to change the circumstance but you can choose how it affects you. Negativity breeds negativity and the same with hate and love. You’re the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. ?
Trent J Middleton Thursday 22 August 2024