To the world you are a dad. To your family you are the world
Jyothirmayee Jandyam

To the world you are a dad. To your family you are the world

My Father is a retired BSNL employee. Hearing impaired and uses hearing machine.

Some where I heard "If you lose your hearing, your brain will do a similar thing, though not simply to compensate for hearing loss, but, again, to better process information."

May be its true.He is very intelligent from his child hood (heard from his friends)

I don't know how he managed in his job when he couldn't effort a Hearing machine.

I still remembered how excited he was, the day he purchased hearing Machine and when he realized that he can hear his favorite songs in radio.

And also I remembered how sad he was the next day when he told my mom that he overheard his colleagues talking sarcastically in front of him, thinking that he can't hear.

Okay that was past.

Coming to the present situation, I had noticed that he is unable to recognize that his phone is ringing when he takes off his hearing aid and he is missing many calls. If my mom is around him, she will help him. but, if she is sleeping or busy with some other work.......

So, I thought MI Band 3 is a perfect gift for him.

I am very happy with the feature “Call and Notification Alert”. Now, he will not miss his calls and no need to depend on others . He gets notification in his band and he is checking his phone.

It doesn’t mean that he can’t purchase this. But I am fortunate to gift this to him.

He did so much to me. How much I do....Whatever I give ...... it will be less in front of his support to me.

In fact, every dad is Great who believes in their daughter.

To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.”

Vice versa

To a daughter, nothing is dearer than her father....

I wrote a small biography on him with headline "His Journey from World of Silence to World of Success - A silent Journey....."

An article when we visited his college.

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.


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