A World Without Empathy
Life is a beautiful and incredible gift, meant for humans to experience peace and harmony. We are born out of love, and it is natural for us as humans to be loving and compassionate. However, as we grow, we are shaped by our immediate surroundings. While some of us flourish in love, others are molded by violence and abuse.
A flawed ideology can damage society completely, and now we live in a world with less empathy and more self-centeredness. Our world is deteriorating because of hatred and unforgiveness. The earth, once a beautiful place to live, has become a space where the emotionally numb — the "zombies" — thrive. We are losing our sense of humanity, and few seem concerned.
Where did we go wrong? This question lingers but is seldom asked. Will things improve, or will we continue to decline in our harshness toward one another? Empathy — this beautiful word — feels like a rare treasure, unattainable by many.
Our lives are a reflection of our actions, but have we ever asked ourselves, "Am I being kind to myself?" Or, "Am I considerate of others?" We rush through life, seeking our place, only to realize there is no real sense of belonging because no one truly cares about the other.
Take a moment to reflect: What is a world without empathy?