A World Within a World, The Project!
Mike J Baker
The What If Project. full-time Writer, Marketing, and Advertising. influencer, and activist, as of 2023, I am the words I speak from my own experiences, and the words and compassion given by Allah the one true God.
What if it is you?
What if?
Your nightmares were true, yet you fought and won them over,
What if?
Your dreams come true, and they were all just waiting for you,
What if?
Your fears were part of what made you strong, enough so your courage stayed for so long,
your fears were long gone in confidence,
What if?
Your lack of self-worth was what made you shine when you are in that darkness,
yet to those around you were the ones that they would follow,
What if?
In times of doubt, your mind said no but your heart said yes I’ll give it a go,
What if?
All those mountains you fear you climb are but hills waiting to be walked upon,
If not rocks of anticipation but blades of grass to flow beneath your feet with ease,
What if?
All your differences and challenges were labels given by those who fear their own,
And for you, it’s what makes you special and unique for you dare to stand and be proud,
and shout out (I am Me) out loud,
What if?
All those small acts of kindness and care mounted upon the back of everyday living were the very qualities that build your wings, feather by feather, just waiting in heaven for you to be an Angel.
If you are reading this and you feel what the words are saying, then you will understand
and it is who; You Are.
Mike J Baker (Author)
(A world within a world),
Concepts & Perspectives altered.
“When looking through a window of self, with a different view, you see all your possibilities unrestrained”.
When you can remember who you once were,
There lies who you become created by your surroundings,
`The human body has its own Restart button
When all is lost it reverts to basic instincts,
`when young I was a Carer, then I lost every I found my instincts`
However, with that, came an awakening of inner awareness,
Because the situation or circumstances you grew up in was based on survival,
Of Where I came from was how society created the being from the necessity of living in that time,
But that was to my instincts `Being who they wanted me to be and do
But it was not me from within, he was suppressed and hid away,
Then came the bridge of altered states of mind and body,
For at that point of the nothingness of total restart came your default mode,
From then you can access who you were from within, then came change,
Then you realise who or what you are from within, and then comes the learning,
And a whole new world opens before you, because when you learn you understand,
When understand you know what you are and can accept and the mind reboots,
For all the data you learnt from the experience of living you see who you can be instinctive,
Then is the chance to change and become so much more through self-awareness,
And within those instincts come the relearned concepts of life,
Seen through eyes and visions in different perspectives,
From nothing comes who you are of which you discover purpose,
And within that purpose, you realise the values of awakening to your true self.
Mike J Baker (Author)
(A World within a World),
Script one,
Part one,
The idea, the dream, the pitch;
In every moment there is a single thought,
Yet we only use what we have learnt or experienced,
It’s the thoughts of reasoning, understanding and common sense.
However, our minds are like computers, in each folder, there are many files, and within each file is the content, yet in between and in the background, many other programmes are running or in storage, in memory.
Our minds are similar, and they flicker in our dream, some say it's unspoken thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories, past, present and what seems like the future.
These thoughts stay within and are stored waiting to be used in any situation.
It’s almost like another world exists within our own minds yet our minds are within two spaces in between that space is another universe.
And this is where my story begins of what I’ve seen and feel a part of, whether its dreams or nightmares that the universe really exists it’s just finding our way in.
Mike J Baker (Author)?
(A World within a World),
Script one,
Part two,
The idea, the dream, the thought unspoken.
The provocation to provoke an emotional response;
Within the confines of our reasoning and imprinting of social learning we all think of what’s right or wrong, what’s needed and wanted to be heard, yet our first response is the first unblemished thought that enters our mind before we decide what to say or act upon.
As humans, we are given free thinking, the freedom to decide how we react, and choices.
The reaction depends on the provocation we are presented with, by word, feeling or emotional intent, however, the other aspects to consider are; environment, situation and circumstance, which casts a light on the difference in the reaction or response.
So how can we become true to one’s self and others around us, “well that depends on who we are” it’s like the fight or flight response, however, by our education and circumstances we learn alternative ways to express ourselves, given to the environmental aspects we are located at that moment.
Our first thought, first view or perspective is something which we don’t always express first, but it’s still there in one’s mind’s eye, memory, but stored away.
What if, we could access that stored memory or thought, and walk through all the first thoughts, the things we didn’t say or do, it would be like a museum of past and present, yet the future outcome would differ between individuals.
This would be an awakening or an uncontrollable reaction or response to our vulnerabilities, a look into our fears or fantasies, our strengths or weaknesses, our realisations of the What ifs we had or have, the freedom to choose our reaction to one’s own needs and wants in our own lives, without control or constriction.
Mike J Baker (Author)
(A world within a world),
Script One,
Part Three,
The Idea, The Dream, The beginning of an adventure into the mind and space in between,
Sitting on the precipice of life inside,
"How can so much happen? in half an hour of sleep" Really?
`She came for me again from somewhere above`,
I reached out to follow her, I held on as we disappeared into the space above, we flew into darkness, with anticipation I just and held on not knowing where we were going,
The light of day came, and a world opened, a landscape came into view,
Yet it was something else, it kept changing, I looked up at the lady and she smiled and said with her eyes, it's ok,
a voice came into my mind, she said, "it's your unspoken thoughts that give us life".
We seemed to drop down to rocks growing from the mountainside yet covered in grass and trees, we landed gently as the rock turned to pastures green, we sat together as she spoke inside my mind, and then she looked over our feet and the ground seemed to fall away into the sky, yet we were looking down, and from the light of day it became night, stars and planets appeared as a living Galaxy, as the clouds dissipated, the stars seem to come in to focus, and the constellations moved and grew. My heart was pounding out of my chest, I looked at her, and she let go.
Then I felt wetness around my feet, I looked down and the sea was coming in around my feet, as I looked into the water, faces floated by from the past, those who lived with me in another time, another world, yet I knew of them, then if that was not strange enough, friends and family came into view, and holding out their arms they spoke, “you have the answers to your questions" they said, I asked but what questions? They said, why? they took this world from you, and sheets of music floated by and a man, playing the piano and singing, he looked so familiar, then they were gone, then I'm in a meadow with a mountain moving over our heads, a keyboard appeared in the grass, and notes flying across the sky, and I could hear music, like a classical piece, and then I got angry and start to scream, “Don’t show me this I do not want to feel this memory” this was not meant to be, “Stop showing me of things that could have been” yet was taken away, and you left me in pain and anger" so I stood up on the edge of this cliff, as the ground turned to space and a fire was raging in the distance and fire but rolling down from the stars.
Then as I lunged forward a hand touched my shoulder I turned, and she was there once again, she said, you need to jump, you need to fly, you need to let go, she said softly, you need to live as you know you can, they are waiting for you to give them life.
"WTF was that all about, where. did I go this time, was it just a dream?", or was it, right?
The End?
And so I ask myself, what does all this mean? am I being told something important about the future, I am no one, just a guy with ideas and a purpose to write and share with the world if anyone is listening, what do know, I just started this in a new life from another I was lost in, maybe God found me or someone or something else, all I know there was just a grey nothingness on the otherside, but of where was the other side?
Mike J Baker (Author)