World Water Day 2022
She is soft, She is harsh
She enables growth, She also is a catastrophe of her own,
She is madness, She is calmness
She is a giver, She is a taker
She is nurturing, She is breath-taking
Water is a gift to every creature on this planet, but every creature except the mankind has found ways to abuse it, somehow in the every now, everyday.
It may sound insignificant as an individual, but imagine this from a vision 30,000ft above the ground. An entire population in your surrounding doing the same, the water that's running aimlessly during our morning routine, to the glass of water we don't finish when its served to us, to the water that's wasted washing produce, to the machines we load with its half capacity, to the water that is running in long showers as we try to get hold of our emotions sometimes in the loneliness. But what about the emotions of our bountiful Mother Earth, a being that cannot speak and express to a species that's us, a planet that gives so much and we shamefully strip so much away. Isn't she our Fairy Godmother?
Now that I have placed blame on you and me, let me sow a seed of thought in your mind.
What if we reuse the rice water to wash our vegetables instead of under running water & then water the plants growing at home with the same, so we don't lose the nutrients that just got washed? What if we just turn off the knob while brushing teeth? What if we ask for less water at the restaurant if we're not thirsty enough? What if we wait a little longer to do our laundry until we can optimally utilize the water cycle in the machine? These are things that are practically possible to be mindful about in the present, just tiny actions in everyday life, creating a big ripple ??Our bodies are also 60% water yet we treat water so carelessly. To take it a step further shop responsible from the companies who are doing the right thing.
This is a picture of my dive in Maldives, summiting to surface from the belly of Mother Earth. I remember feeling ecstatic as I descent into the water but only to be hit by a tsunami of emotions in my heart as deep as the ocean the whole time, of how my kind has made decisions over a century to slow poison a world under the surface that we don't see everyday, but is dying, the corals bleached to a point of maybe no recovery. I swam in the graveyard of exploited beauty feeling just as opposite to the feeling as I plunged. 2018 was the year I first saw a shark and my body's impulse was to place both my hands on my heart and feel it throb in my palms, hear my breath through the sigh of bubbles to be sharing space in the presence of this magnificent creation. As I watch the shark vanish into the remains of what we have faded, I turn like a sad mermaid to face the surface from 30ft deep under, swimming in the calmness, feeling like a spec of dust, without the chaos of the world above, just my throbbing heart in all its realization that.....
"We are passer-by’s on this planet, but she is here to stay, let's make our limited time on this green-blue sphere worthy of our existence, by preserving what's lend to us in the best possible way"
With conservation at core,
Rima Dutta